citrushack / citrushack2023

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update schedule section with new design #22

Closed minsooerickim closed 1 year ago

paulian7 commented 1 year ago
msclal commented 1 year ago

@minsooerickim @paulian7

flag text needs to be flipped still (need to ask ui/ux team) but how do we feel about this mobile version for schedule?

minsooerickim commented 1 year ago

@msclal looks gud to me. if possible though, i would make the texts a bit smaller and the space between the dots a bit tighter so we can fit all the events in a shorter 'flag pole', cuz we got a lotttt of events, and it seems like the pole is gon be like a million feet long.

i would aim to fit like 8 events per view like in cutiehack image

also add in the ending time? like (1-3pm instead of just 1pm)

paulian7 commented 1 year ago

@msclal Amazing work! :) A few suggestions to add on is possibly centering each of the event's text with the dots. It feels like the text is a bit far too below each dot, so it might confuse some users.