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UPDATE queries on distributed/reference table with volatile functions error out #4795

Open saicitus opened 3 years ago

saicitus commented 3 years ago

Citus version: 10.0 Customer reported issue.

Steps to repro: CREATE TABLE reference_key (id int, s text); SELECT create_reference_table('reference_key'); citus=> UPDATE reference_key SET s=PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT('123', 'sai_test') where id=1; ERROR: functions used in UPDATE queries on distributed tables must not be VOLATILE

CREATE TABLE distributed_key (id int, s text); select create_distributed_table('distributed_key','id'); citus=> UPDATE distributed_key SET s=PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT('123', 'sai_test'); ERROR: functions used in UPDATE queries on distributed tables must not be VOLATILE

citus=> UPDATE distributed_key SET s=PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT('123', 'sai_test') where id=1; ERROR: functions used in UPDATE queries on distributed tables must not be VOLATILE

Workaround Use a CTE to materialize the results of the volatile function on the coordinator.

WITH key AS (SELECT PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT('123', 'sai_test')k)
UPDATE distributed_key SET s=key.k from key;
onderkalaci commented 3 years ago

Workaround Use a CTE to materialize the results of the volatile function on the coordinator.

@saicitus you are probably aware, but wanted to mention for the readers. Normally volatile functions would generate distinct values per updated row. If materialized, it generates a single value for all values, so be careful of this.

select count(*) FROM loc ;
(1 row)

Time: 1.490 ms

 UPDATE loc SET b = random();
Time: 1.773 ms
(1 row)

Time: 1.344 ms

With materialization, we break this:

 WITH c1 AS (SELECT random() as r) UPDATE loc SET b = c1.r FROM c1;
Time: 1.149 ms
(1 row)
marcocitus commented 3 years ago

While enabling volatile functions is tricky for reference tables because we somehow need to generate the same values on every replica, it should be straight-forward for regular distributed tables. The main challenge is that our current function evaluation logic is unable to distinguish between stable functions and volatile functions, and therefore would incorrectly evaluate volatile functions on the coordinator.

nick-ma commented 3 years ago

I also run into this problem when I use crypt() function which is from pgcrypto extension. However, I just found a workaround to use VOLATILE functions on distributed tables.

The following SQL statement will result in an error:

UPDATE t001 SET pwd = public.crypt('new password', public.gen_salt('md5')) where tid=1;

OUT: ERROR: functions used in UPDATE queries on distributed tables must not be VOLATILE

However, with a select subquery, the update statement runs well with the expected result.

UPDATE t001 SET pwd = (select public.crypt('new password', public.gen_salt('md5'))) where tid=1;


Will my workaround cause some side effects? Any drawbacks will it bring?

UPDATE: I just understand the drawbacks. :(

onderkalaci commented 1 year ago

Quoting @marcocitus from an internal chat for some tricky parts of function evaluation on Citus (mostly due to distributed nature of things):

just as a reminder, there are 2 reasons why we don't support volatile functions in update/delete

we need to ensure identical outcomes for replicated (reference) tables
we evaluate stable functions in the query tree on the coordinator, but do not have a way to skip volatile functions

for SELECT, we (incorrectly) skip function evaluation even for stable functions, because we cannot afford to evaluate the volatile functions, and we definitely cannot afford to disallow them in SELECT

for MERGE, I think we don't do function evaluation either, which means we would incorrectly skip stable functions, except we error out before then

this gets a bit messy when it comes to UPDATE+CTEs, since the CTEs can have stable functions that are incorrectly pushed down

but for the UPDATE itself they are evaluated on the coordinator

MERGE+source query is probably a similar case

when we solve volatile-functions-in-update problem, we should also start doing stable function evaluation for SELECT