citusdata / citus

Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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DDL Support #4812

Open marcocitus opened 3 years ago

marcocitus commented 3 years ago

The following DDL/utility commands are currently not propagated to worker nodes by Citus:

Database-level statements:

Schema-level statements:

ALTER SCHEMA .. OWNER TO .. ```sql create schema my_schema; create role non_super_user_role; alter schema my_schema owner to non_super_user_role ; SELECT pg_get_userbyid(nspowner) AS schema_owner FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'my_schema'; ┌─────────────────────┐ │ schema_owner │ ├─────────────────────┤ │ non_super_user_role │ └─────────────────────┘ select result from run_command_on_workers ($$ SELECT pg_get_userbyid(nspowner) AS schema_owner FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'my_schema' $$); ┌─────────────┐ │ result │ ├─────────────┤ │ onurctirtir │ │ onurctirtir │ └─────────────┘ (2 rows) ```

Table-level statements:

Session-level statements:

System-level statements (may be outside of Citus scope):

Statements that are typically only used by extensions (which are already propagated):

Statements work as intended, but could have a distributed implementation:

jnels124 commented 9 months ago

There also appears to be an issue with table ownership on distributed tables. (readonly and readwrite already exist) as the postgres user:

create role schemaadmin;
    grant readwrite to schemaadmin;
    grant schemaadmin to a;
    grant schemaadmin to b;
    create schema if not exists temporary authorization schemaadmin;
    grant usage on schema temporary to public;
    revoke create on schema temporary from public;
    grant select on all tables in schema temporary to readonly;
    grant select on all sequences in schema temporary to readonly;
    grant usage on schema temporary to readonly;
    alter default privileges in schema temporary grant select on tables to readonly;
    alter default privileges in schema temporary grant select on sequences to readonly;

    grant select on all tables in schema temporary to readonly;
    grant select on all sequences in schema temporary to readonly;
    grant usage on schema temporary to readonly;
    alter default privileges in schema temporary grant select on tables to readonly;
    alter default privileges in schema temporary grant select on sequences to readonly;

    grant insert, update, delete on all tables in schema temporary to readwrite;
    grant usage on all sequences in schema temporary to readwrite;
    alter default privileges in schema temporary grant insert, update, delete on tables to readwrite;
    alter default privileges in schema temporary grant usage on sequences to readwrite;

Then when logging in as user a and executing:

create unlogged table if not exists temporary.token_temp as table token limit 0;
alter table if exists temporary.token_temp owner to schemaadmin;
select create_distributed_table('temporary.token_temp', 'token_id', colocate_with => 'token');

I am able to successfully

truncate temporary.token_temp

as user a but when i attempt to login with user b I get the following error on the coordinator:

ERROR:  failure on connection marked as essential:```

and on the worker i see

ERROR:  permission denied for table nft_temp
STATEMENT:  SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation TO 'off';
    LOCK temporary.nft_temp IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE;
    SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation TO 'on'

This only happens for distributed tables.