Closed gurkanindibay closed 7 months ago
{ "runs": [ { "results": [ { "ruleId": "DL3008", "message": { "text": "Pin versions in apt get install. Instead of `apt-get install <package>` use `apt-get install <package>=<version>`" }, "level": "warning", "locations": [ { "physicalLocation": { "region": { "sourceLanguage": "dockerfile", "startColumn": 1, "endColumn": 1, "startLine": 17, "endLine": 17 }, "artifactLocation": { "uri": "./Dockerfile" } } } ] }, { "ruleId": "DL3015", "message": { "text": "Avoid additional packages by specifying `--no-install-recommends`" }, "level": "note", "locations": [ { "physicalLocation": { "region": { "sourceLanguage": "dockerfile", "startColumn": 1, "endColumn": 1, "startLine": 17, "endLine": 17 }, "artifactLocation": { "uri": "./Dockerfile" } } } ] }, { "ruleId": "SC2086", "message": { "text": "Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting." }, "level": "note", "locations": [ { "physicalLocation": { "region": { "sourceLanguage": "sh", "startColumn": 1, "endColumn": 1, "startLine": 17, "endLine": 17 }, "artifactLocation": { "uri": "./Dockerfile" } } } ] }, { "ruleId": "DL4006", "message": { "text": "Set the SHELL option -o pipefail before RUN with a pipe in it. If you are using /bin/sh in an alpine image or if your shell is symlinked to busybox then consider explicitly setting your SHELL to /bin/ash, or disable this check" }, "level": "warning", "locations": [ { "physicalLocation": { "region": { "sourceLanguage": "dockerfile", "startColumn": 1, "endColumn": 1, "startLine": 17, "endLine": 17 }, "artifactLocation": { "uri": "./Dockerfile" } } } ] }, { "ruleId": "DL3059", "message": { "text": "Multiple consecutive `RUN` instructions. Consider consolidation." }, "level": "note", "locations": [ { "physicalLocation": { "region": { "sourceLanguage": "dockerfile", "startColumn": 1, "endColumn": 1, "startLine": 40, "endLine": 40 }, "artifactLocation": { "uri": "./Dockerfile" } } } ] } ], "tool": { "driver": { "fullName": "Haskell Dockerfile Linter", "shortDescription": { "text": "Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell" }, "name": "Hadolint", "version": "v2.9.3-0-g346e419-dirty", "downloadUri": "" } }, "defaultSourceLanguage": "dockerfile" } ], "version": "2.1.0", "$schema": "" }