citusdata / pg_shard

ATTENTION: pg_shard is superseded by Citus, its more powerful replacement
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Queries with HAVING can return incorrect results #53

Closed jasonmp85 closed 9 years ago

jasonmp85 commented 9 years ago

Assume a simple table distributed along an id column:

CREATE TABLE employees (
    id integer,
    name text

SELECT master_create_distributed_table('employees', 'id');
SELECT master_create_worker_shards('employees', 2, 1);

Using HAVING clauses in SELECT queries works correctly so long as columns referenced in the HAVING clause are in a WHERE, ORDER BY, or GROUP BY clause:

SELECT substr(name, 1, 1) AS init, 
       sum(id)            AS id_total 
FROM   employees 
GROUP  BY init 
HAVING SUM(id) > 200000;
# ┌──────┬──────────┐
# │ init │ id_total │
# ├──────┼──────────┤
# │ H    │   319464 │
# │ M    │  1253983 │
# │ J    │   844768 │
# │ V    │   280801 │
# │ R    │   610906 │
# │ L    │  1166332 │
# │ D    │   829092 │
# │ T    │   700698 │
# │ I    │   201319 │
# │ F    │   284724 │
# │ N    │   363474 │
# │ G    │   401067 │
# │ E    │   697631 │
# │ B    │   526513 │
# │ C    │  1148864 │
# │ S    │  1010327 │
# │ P    │   244061 │
# │ K    │   748454 │
# │ A    │  1079310 │
# └──────┴──────────┘
# (19 rows)

But if columns in the HAVING clause do not appear elsewhere, the query returns incorrect results:

SELECT substr(name, 1, 1) AS init 
FROM   employees 
GROUP  BY init 
HAVING SUM(id) > 200000; 
# ┌──────┐
# │ init │
# ├──────┤
# └──────┘
# (0 rows)

This is probably related to #33, since it appears pg_shard currently only considers quals and projections in deciding which columns to retrieve from the remote. The HAVING clause is evaluated locally, so if its columns are not retrieved it cannot be evaluated correctly.

We should either reject the use of HAVING or make sure it has the columns it needs.