city72 / city-72

This is the open source code of the City72 platform. Fork this code, then deploy your own City72 site.
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translation to-do: move text out of the views #153

Open arena opened 9 years ago

arena commented 9 years ago

We need to move all strings to language specific yml files.

Currently, there is a lot of text in each view file. This is started on the "generalization" branch.

arena commented 9 years ago

moved the text out of the home.html.haml file and into en.yml

...had to make one compromise because I couldn't figure out where the city_residents variable was (couldn't find it in the schema).

This paragraph: Actual emergencies look more like people coming together than cities falling apart. CITY72 is about prompting members of the community to get connected before an emergency—so we can be that much better off when something happens.

"members of the community" should really be "city_residents" (e.g. Oaklanders)

arena commented 9 years ago

As part of this exercise, I'm going to remove all of the non-editable "city" references that are a barrier to counties and other non-city communities.

arena commented 9 years ago

This is the list of languages to focus on: English (en) Español (es) Vietnamese (vi) Tagolog (tl) Chinese (zh)

arena commented 9 years ago

The city name, set via the CMS, is sometimes different depending on the language. image (e.g. The Chinese version of Oakland)

arena commented 7 years ago

This is completed on safeGNV (a fork or OAK72, which is a fork of City72). I didn't send a pull request back to City72 because the localization basically kills the Content Management System. Even thought it isn't very flexible, I think some people may be attached to the idea of the CMS. For what it's worth, everybody that I know that has launched a City72 has had to make changes outside of the CMS (e.g. City --> County)

What do you think, is it ok to get rid of most of the CMS in order to have multiple languages?