city96 / ComfyUI_ExtraModels

Support for miscellaneous image models. Currently supports: DiT, PixArt, HunYuanDiT, MiaoBi, and a few VAEs.
Apache License 2.0
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Pixart Sigma images are garbled #57

Open TemuPaulMcCartney opened 1 month ago

TemuPaulMcCartney commented 1 month ago

For some reason, Pixart Sigma images are coming out as some sort of incomprehensible mess. I followed the directions as best I could and used the sample workflow, but this is the result: ComfyUI_PixArt_00002_

Mind you, the prompt is unchanged: "pixelart drawing of a tank with a (blue:0.8) camo pattern". I assumed this was a VAE issue, but changing the VAE has little to no effect. Everything has been uninstalled and reinstalled, but I've had no success. Any help would be sincerely appreciated.

city96 commented 1 month ago

Yeah, this definitely seems odd, I can't really think of anything that would cause it. Could you maybe tell me the following:

Plus maybe a copy of the workflow to be sure (you can export it as json and drag-and-drop it here)

TemuPaulMcCartney commented 1 month ago

Hi! Thank you so much for responding!!! Sorry for the lack of info.


Python and Pytorch:


Here's the workflow file! Thank you so much for your time. pixartbad(2).json

city96 commented 1 month ago

Well, no issues with the workflow or the pixart model file, so it must be something else. I assume there's no errors/warnings in the console? (you can ignore the "Not using xformers!" one, that one doesn't apply anymore).

I haven't used those exact text encoder files, but I don't see why they wouldn't work. You could test using the FP16 T5 model files from here I guess. Could also try setting the device to "cpu" or leaving it on "gpu" but setting the dtype to "FP16" and see if that changes anything.
