city96 / SD-Latent-Interposer

A small neural network to provide interoperability between the latents generated by the different Stable Diffusion models.
Apache License 2.0
192 stars 7 forks source link

A1111 version? #5

Open DavideAlidosi opened 6 months ago

DavideAlidosi commented 6 months ago

Hi, there's any possbility to have this for WebUI A1111? Thanks a lot.

city96 commented 6 months ago

I think it should be possible in theory. A1111 allows you to use a separate model as a "refiner" now right?

If there's an easy way to insert this between the main model (SDXL based) and the "refiner" (a SDv1.5 based model in this case, not the actual refiner) then it should be doable, though I have no experience with A1111 custom nodes, so I wouldn't even know where to start...

DavideAlidosi commented 6 months ago

Thanks for support, actually also I even know where to start... In any case I'll try to figure out something in the future.

city96 commented 6 months ago

Good luck! Just ask here if you need any info about how the interposer works, though that part is fairly simple. One thing which might cause issues is how latents are scaled. You might need to multiply/divide the input/output so it matches the expected level.

I'll make sure to add a link to your project to the readme if you end up making it, or you can also send it as a PR. Either is fine.