cityinfra / germany-dtm1

digital terrain models of germany per federal state
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high resolution evelation data for Germany #1

Open LandscapeCombinator opened 7 months ago

LandscapeCombinator commented 7 months ago

Hi, sorry for opening an issue here. Do you know what is the best resolution data freely available and that fully covers Germany? I found DGM5 and DGM10 but it looks like they are not free.

Thank you for centralizing the links that you have here, it's already awesome!

baslr commented 7 months ago

Hi, I think this is the place to come in contact with each other.

So every federate state in Germany has its own administration in terms of geo data. Back then they sold the data DGM1, 2, 5, 10 and so on. This was very expensive.

But thanks to the EU the member states are now forced to open up there data troves to the public (aka open data). You can read more here

For example Bavaria does not participated in the publication of eg. dgm1 1x1 meter resolution. But in 2023 they also released the dgm1 to the public.

So if you want the full coverage of Germany you need to download from all 16 federate states. That was also the reason I started to aggregate all data links into this repository ;)

In my opinion the best portal is from NRW because you can just wget the files. :D

In the coming days I update the data.

LandscapeCombinator commented 7 months ago

That's perfect, thank you!