cityofaustin / atd-knack-signs-markings
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BUG: Markings Labor Time Report, LLN not showing up #260

Closed dianamartin closed 4 years ago

dianamartin commented 4 years ago

Kati A. SMB


I just exported all the data from the Markings Time Log Report ( and noticed that there is no long line information on it. It appears to be filtering all completed work orders and includes all jobs except for long line.

The first WO in the report (MRK19-007125) shows 3 jobs in the report, SLN/SLN/SPM, but when you click into the work order, there is also a completed LLN job.

I was pretty sure this report showed the LLN jobs previously so not sure if something was recently edited?

It doesn’t seem like ones that have multiple time logs are summing correctly. This makes it looks like there were 8 techs out there for 5.083 hr each, totaling 40.67 hours for the job. But from the time log you can see it was really 3 techs for 2.75 hr then 5 techs for 2.33 hr, totaling only 19.91 hr for the job.

Is there a way to have the report show this so we aren’t calculating the total time for the job incorrectly? For jobs with only one time log, I can just multiply out the techs times the hours and minutes but if there are multiple time logs, I can’t do that.

dianamartin commented 4 years ago

called user and troubleshooted to understand the problem. Decided to make some changes to the report.

Action Items

Also fixed...

dianamartin commented 4 years ago

Showed Kati the updated time log table based on the old time labor vehicles report. We did a few tweaks to the SUM TECH HOURS field.

Overall, she was satisfied with the new report since the old one wasn't configured correctly.