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Bike Rack Data Management #677

Open atdservicebot opened 4 years ago

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

Notes from meeting with Parking Enforcement (PE) to discuss bike rack data collection

PE is going to purchase tablets for general field work, and to collect the location of existing bike racks not currently mapped.
PE employees need to be trained on how to use collector or AGOL web app to collect point data to represent each rack. DTS GIS will develop a simple AGOL collecting training similar to the one that ROW employees receive for SXSW.
    Documentation wikis will also be provided.
To evaluate the status of existing bike racks, PE will note the general location of bike racks in the central city, and then do more detailed site inspections.
Once existing bike racks within the central city have been assessed, PE will begin to maintain and re-install new bike racks
A knack data tracker system, similar to the one created for Signs and Markings, would be useful in tracking the work being done on each rack.

Next steps

Once Active Transportation has QA-QC-ed existing bike rack data, DTS GIS will move the data to AGOL for data collection from PE
Create simple point feature service to record general location of existing bike racks
Train PE staff on field data collection.
Scope of data tracker/work order integration TBD

Migrated from atd-geospatial #296

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From alan-deanda on 2019-10-07:

Notes from meeting with Parking Enforcement (PE) to discuss bike rack data collection

Next steps

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From alan-deanda on 2019-10-08:

request for app has been submitted