cityofaustin / atd-monorepo-testing

Temporary repository for testing of moving issues across repos programmatically
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Request for new Web Map for ROW - J. Lozano #682

Open atdservicebot opened 4 years ago

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From Jaclyn Lozano and ROW:

I hope you could help me with this question. I am curious to know how difficult it would be to add another layer to the Arterial Management Asset Map? It would be very similar to the layer for POLE ATTACHMENTS layer except it would only be one symbol. I’m just wondering where the location data would come from, what information I would have to provide, etc.

Migrated from atd-geospatial #449

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From jaime-mckeown on 2019-12-06:

Below are some questions I asked for clarification that Jaclyn answered:

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From johnclary on 2020-01-22:

Still waiting to hear back.