I hope you could help me with this question. I am curious to know how difficult it would be to add another layer to the Arterial Management Asset Map? It would be very similar to the layer for POLE ATTACHMENTS layer except it would only be one symbol. I’m just wondering where the location data would come from, what information I would have to provide, etc.
Below are some questions I asked for clarification that Jaclyn answered:
What type of data are you wanting to add to the map?
I’m guessing it would be location data. Like coordinates that I would have to estimate based on pdf plan sets that I review. They wouldn’t be associated with an address. This is where the location would come from, a plan sheet.
Is it GIS data that is already available?
The GIS data that is available on ROWPACT is for street segments. The new layer would be more specific than a street segment.
Some background of what you would like to add would be helpful.
Sure. It might help to know what a small cell is. Small Cells are like mini cell phone towers that deploy 5G service. Small cell sites need power, fiber and an antenna that attaches to a light or traffic pole. Most of the small cell projects get broken up into a fiber project, and an antenna+power project. All of the projects related to small cell deployment need to go through TARA. But we are finding that some fiber projects are trying to go through AULCC in our office. Currently the Asset Map has a layer called pole attachments. These are all the known small cell sites.
I wanted to compare the current pole attachment layer with a new layer for proposed handholes from these fiber projects trying to go through AULCC. So for example, the yellow dots represent proposed handholes from one fiber project we received this week. As of today, there are no small cell sites in the area. But let’s say in 6 months, 3 new small cell sites are proposed and populate on that pole attachment layer. I can now see that the fiber project 6 months ago was actually related to small cell and should have gone through TARA.
Also, can it be publicly viewed?
I don’t think it could be publicly viewed because the proposed handholes are from a franchise utility. But if the pole attachment is public then maybe I’m wrong.
- I ask this because the Arterial Management Asset Map is shared to the public.
Pole attachments are small cell sites and future sites, I thought this kind of information couldn’t be public.
From Jaclyn Lozano and ROW:
Migrated from atd-geospatial #449