cityofaustin / atd-monorepo-testing

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Address Long-Term Street Data Management Needs #688

Open atdservicebot opened 4 years ago

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

There are a number of issues with the way COA manages streets data:

In an ideal world, I'd love to see COA adopt the same schema that Open Street Map uses, which addresses many of these issues. Also, there are number of compelling mapping projects which use OSM, notably SharedStreets, which has potential to solve our problems around shared mobility data aggregation and analysis.

@amenity would you add notes from your conversation with @easherma?

Migrated from atd-geospatial #448

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From johnclary on 2019-12-06:

I reached out to a contact at Azure Maps to understand more about their current process:

  • Am I correct that Microsoft consumes and contributes to OSM? If so, I'd love to know more about the process you follow for contributing data to OSM.

  • Do your maps consume data directly from government sources? I'd like to know if/how the City of Austin's authoritative street data makes it into your maps

Some background, we are looking at overhauling the way we manage our street data, as there are a number of quality issues at the moment. It's also not clear to me if/how map providers incorporate agencies' data into their maps. In an ideal world, I'd love for us to manage our data in the OSM schema, and contribute directly to OSM.

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From johnclary on 2019-12-06:

Also reached out to Jacquie H. at CTM:

I just wanted to give you a heads up that we're ready to start this discussion in earnest and would like to bring it to the GIMOB at some point. Not sure the right way to do that. Maybe bring together interested parties from other divisions first to get agreement on current pain points? And I know y'all have been looking at some third-party services for this, too.

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From amenity on 2019-12-09:

Working on, @easherma has been thinking lots about this stuff. Here is a memo he wrote about location data governance at the City.