cityofaustin / atd-residential-parking-permits

Online platform for residential parking permit applications, purchases, and renewals
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Calls with CTM purchasing #81

Closed amenity closed 5 years ago

amenity commented 5 years ago


Having prepared SOW and requirements, run by CTM purchasing to determine next steps.

amenity commented 5 years ago

7/11/19 Call

DTS: Teri, Amenity, John CTM Purchasing: Jim Howard

Walked through requirements spreadsheet, Jim thought it looked solid, was going to check to see if NCPA was a possibility (coops are added to the list frequently)

amenity commented 5 years ago

7/12/19 Call

DTS: Teri, Amenity CTM Purchasing: Dan Dellemonache

Potential routes forward

Procure platform through coop

Amend current Passport contract

RPP services are close enough to current kiosk services that shouldn't be problem amending existing contract to include residential permit solution

Formal solicitation

If can't find a coop, going to have to do a formal RFP solicitation, typically 6-12 months. Dave shared this overview of the process as well as example docs.

Submitting for council review

Next steps