Documenting purpose - decided not to go forward with a closed verification process to verify the helper on LifeFiles
User story:
As a document owner, I want to know what I can accomplish with this platform that holds my documents so that I have the right expectations, and that I don't lose trust with technology and the people running it.
As a document Owner, I need to know what different permissions(View, Replace, Download) that I can give to my contacts in detail so that I can make informed sharing documents decisions with my contacts.
This feature helps owners in making informed decisions on permissions when sharing documents with the Helper. This feature has detailed explanations on View, replace, download, and print and what happens when they give permissions to Helpers.
Usability test and validation of the concept
Higher purpose(How this task affects the platform?):
Uses for platform
Helps answer a document owner's question - what can I DO with this platform? We estimate that there is a spectrum - store documents, help recover lost/stolen documents, transact with documents, bring documents into a legal setting as evidence or proof. These need to be explored/tested.
Adoption of the platform
How we know that document owners will use and rely on the platform.
Beta launch of the platform
Checklists the things we need to extend the platform formally to a volunteer group of users without risk.
Documenting purpose - decided not to go forward with a closed verification process to verify the helper on LifeFiles
User story:
This feature helps owners in making informed decisions on permissions when sharing documents with the Helper. This feature has detailed explanations on View, replace, download, and print and what happens when they give permissions to Helpers.
Reference link prototype:
Dependency: Usability test and validation of the concept
Higher purpose(How this task affects the platform?):