Documenting purpose - decided not to go forward with a Hybrid-open verification process to verify the helper on LifeFiles
User story:
As a platform administrator, I want to understand how to configure the site, and how/why to make changes to the administration page so that I understand the consequences of the configuration and any changes that I make.
In the Hybrid-open model, one of the channels to verify the Helper by their work email domain name verification. This verification needed to be automated in the back-end.
Higher purpose(How this task affects the platform?):
Administration of the platform
Helps answer what it takes to administer the platform; helps identify the stakeholder in Austin who might administer the platform.
Documenting purpose - decided not to go forward with a Hybrid-open verification process to verify the helper on LifeFiles
User story:
As a platform administrator, I want to understand how to configure the site, and how/why to make changes to the administration page so that I understand the consequences of the configuration and any changes that I make.
In the Hybrid-open model, one of the channels to verify the Helper by their work email domain name verification. This verification needed to be automated in the back-end.
To know about Hyrbid open model(Refer to slide 56)
Higher purpose(How this task affects the platform?):