Documenting purpose - decided not to go forward with a Hybrid-open verification process to verify the helper on LifeFiles
User story:
As a platform administrator, I want to understand how to configure the site, and how/why to make changes to the administration page so that I understand the consequences of the configuration and any changes that I make.
Should brainstorm with the developer on how verified Helpers will receive the account creation confirmation via both channels
1.Domain name automation
2.Manual verification process
Ux team and developer should think on the flows how Helpers request for account creation and once verified how they receive an account creation confirmation
Refer to the attachment section to understand more about types of Helper verification
Higher purpose(How this task affects the platform?):
Administration of the platform
Helps answer what it takes to administer the platform; helps identify the stakeholder in Austin who might administer the platform.
Documenting purpose - decided not to go forward with a Hybrid-open verification process to verify the helper on LifeFiles
User story:
As a platform administrator, I want to understand how to configure the site, and how/why to make changes to the administration page so that I understand the consequences of the configuration and any changes that I make.
Should brainstorm with the developer on how verified Helpers will receive the account creation confirmation via both channels 1.Domain name automation 2.Manual verification process
Ux team and developer should think on the flows how Helpers request for account creation and once verified how they receive an account creation confirmation
To know about Hyrbid open model(Refer to slide 56)
Refer to the attachment section to understand more about types of Helper verification
Higher purpose(How this task affects the platform?):
Administration of the platform Helps answer what it takes to administer the platform; helps identify the stakeholder in Austin who might administer the platform.