cityofaustin / odd-ops

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CoA Open Source License decisions #19

Open wilhitem opened 6 years ago

wilhitem commented 6 years ago

From @benguhin It seems like the core questions are (a) whether the city preserves copyright on the work of its employees by default and, if so, (b) what processes we would need to go through to revoke that copyright, which would open up our work for other cities, organizations, and even businesses to build off of.

I am guessing that this might be super simple. If it’s not, it’s an opportunity to engage the tech community more actively in the spirit of Open Government and facilitate a conversation about government as a platform. I think that Open Austin would be excited to help.

Thoughts from Matt Bailey:

Next steps Not sure, but wanted to get this in our backlog to pursue. Probs need to set up time with Chris Weema or Elaine Nicholson from Law.

amenity commented 5 years ago

See also, wherein Mateo recommends