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Design system: beyond Alpha #4230

Open gumbeauuu opened 4 years ago

gumbeauuu commented 4 years ago

The ask

As we're closing in on front-end feature parity to D8, let's take some time to work through what our design system looks like beyond How do we do more with less, and achieve better results than before?

Background We've heard things that indicate we need to broaden our scope about what a design system is (and isn't), who it's for, and how we're developing it. So far we've been focused on, and we've had a few examples utilizing the solutions for the resident-facing side for other purposes (wrapping around other front-end applications such as recollect, and our Joplin authoring interface). We haven't been thinking about our design system applying to a broader audience than our team, and the resident and staff that our products serve--but we want to asap.

Contextual frames

Who and why

What / deliverables

Potential to-dos

What we've heard, and seen

From Kristen Mobile: Desktop

For now, just handing over specs to the developer. So having screens or any type of documentation/standards that you follow will help. They have a crazy code base. But I think the most useful thing for me is the visual and interaction standards that y’all are using or have set so that I don’t have to re-create them. This product is totally a scrappy MVP and will likely be completely re-built at some point. Having us involved in the discussion when that happens will be more likely if we can help them make what they currently have better. That’s my 2 cents.

ATD's Vision Zero Dashboard Amenity asked our design team for some quick feedback on a dashboard they're developing. We provided UX/UI guidance as direct comments on their prototype, as well as UI suggestions.

Recollect app redesign Applying the alpha design system to a pre-existing application by a third-party vendor.


easherma commented 4 years ago

Just offering some thoughts, especially as the concept of a 'design system' can mean many different things depending on your discipline.

I love the 'how to use section' on USWDS: Especially the maturity model they outline:

I know we've mentioned this before, but on the topic of talking to other cities we could easily get in touch with the author of the Chicago Design system, I'm sure we could reach out to others as well.

And I think it presents a pretty good roadmap on how we could prioritize the development of a design system:

  1. Principles
    • Alot of this is codifying our values and how they inform our approach to design
    • Getting CTM and other departments on the same page regarding these principles is the biggest blocker to greater utilization of a design system
      1. Guidance
    • This could look more consultative, where we are helping review or inform designs but not in a position to dictate the nuts and bolts of how they are implemented
    • We can provide documentation and guidance on our best practices (like the content styleguide), that people can reference for projects
    • I'm about to run into this now with some SDL projects, where I feel I have a pretty decent handle on Principles. Though they aren't documented explicitly, I feel like I've learned a ton just working with @chase-vert and hearing his approach described during our various Sprint Reviews. So I feel confident that I can start to design and build out these projects, but will probably want some additional direct guidance at some point.
  2. Code
    • The code in Janis is very far from being able to be easily re-used in other projects, for a variety of reasons
    • In fact, even if we wrote and coded a dynamic design system, without the getting in lock step about Principles and Guidance, chances of people actually using the system will be low
    • We are a small team, so the ability to help facilitate adoption of the design system code wise is pretty limited
    • We are still learning what we need and what works for us and for residents, there is a potential sunk cost fallacy of us building a design system a certain way(code wise) and not being able to throw it away later if it doesn't work out (and how would we measure the success of such a system?)
gumbeauuu commented 4 years ago

@easherma thank you for contributing--all good points. It would be great to hash something like this out that represents all disciplines, and offers a wholistic view of how we define a "design system", and what can/should be shareable, and how.

gumbeauuu commented 4 years ago

Brain drain no.2, trying to add shape to these ideas

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THEMES attributes across experiences. this is not in a particular order