cityujun / hvac_offline_rl

MIT License
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about datasets #1

Open agl71 opened 2 weeks ago

agl71 commented 2 weeks ago


I found that there are no datasets in hvacl_offline_rl. Could you upload it? By the way, could you tell me what is the datase made of? I have sucessfully made an Online RL test based on simulation(energyplus)&RL, and I want to deploy the trained model into practice enviroment by offline RL. But how to make dataset for this objectibve?

Best regards;


common --common utility functions for two buildings energym_wrapped |src --environment codes |main --running codes |__datasets --dataset location ibm_datacenter |__src --environment codes |main --running codes |datasets --dataset location

cityujun commented 2 weeks ago

The datasets are large files and depend on different settings. Therefore, we do not provide any files. However, the generation codes can refer to in running codes, where the saving of online transitions is realized with d3rlpy.