ciur / papermerge

Open Source Document Management System for Digital Archives (Scanned Documents)
Apache License 2.0
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Suggested page management features #596

Open thndrbck opened 4 months ago

thndrbck commented 4 months ago

When managing pages within a pdf document: A checkbox to select all pages would be helpful for many paged documents. Support for shift-click to select multiple items (click one, shift-click a second one selects all documents between the two in addition to the two clicked).

Be able to exclude an uploaded page from being OCRd

ciur commented 4 months ago

This part:

Be able to exclude an uploaded page from being OCRd

Did you meant here exclude entire document from being OCRed - which is exactly as ?

Or did you really meant to exclude specific pages from being OCRed ? In last case, i.e. when you mean to exclude specific pages from OCRed - it is not possible to implement. It is either entire document (i.e. all pages in the document) or nothing.

I am also confused in regard to

shift-click to select multiple items (click one, shift-click a second one selects all documents between the two in addition to the two clicked)

did you mean "shift-click" for documents or for pages within the document ? Title of the ticket it "page management".

thndrbck commented 4 months ago

Shift click for pages within document. Say I needed 5 pages deleted. I would select the first page of the group, then go to the fifth page of the group, press shift key, and click that page. That would select that last page, and every page between it and the first page clicked.

I ran into the issue with a document with many pages that I needed to rotate by 90 degrees.