civfanatics / CQUI_Community-Edition

Civilization 6 mod - UI enhancements, reduce clicks and manage your empire faster!
MIT License
149 stars 28 forks source link

Additional Keyboard shortcuts (primarily for lenses) #320

Open RustyD opened 3 years ago

RustyD commented 3 years ago

It would be nice to add keyboard shortcuts for all the new lenses in this mod. For example, I like to use the Resource lens a lot, so would like to be able to assign '4' as a keyboard shortcut for it. Adding this configuration option to the base game's 'Options/Key Bindings' menu would be great.


I started to try and do this myself, but trying it on Linux is just basically a lot of guesswork, often with no success (I modified the 'ui_options_text.xml' and 'inputconfiguration.xml' files to achieve the above image).

In addition, it would be nice to be able to assign a keyboard shortcut for directly adding a 'tack' to the map. Currently, it's a '3 click' process - 1.) click on the 'Map Tacks' button above the minimap, 2.) Click on the 'Add Tack' button, 3.) Click on the hex to add the Tack. If there was a keyboard shortcut to jump directly to step 3 (effectively combining steps 1 & 2), then that would make the process of planning my Empire a bit 'snappier'.

the-m4a commented 3 years ago

good call on this - I'll take a look. I know of at least one other mod that added to the key bindings UI directly (rather than having our own like CQUI does)