civfanatics / CQUI_Community-Edition

Civilization 6 mod - UI enhancements, reduce clicks and manage your empire faster!
MIT License
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Trade Route Panel wont open when using CQUI along with BBG #344

Closed Gnightz closed 1 year ago

Gnightz commented 1 year ago

Context Hi there! I often play alone with both BBG and CQUI enabled. I don't know if you care about not conflicting with some other frequently used mods, but here i describe a conflict that can be solved by modifying a bit the load order.

Describe the bug If using CQUI along with BBG (github), Trade Route Panel wont open.

Root cause This is because both mods overrides tradesupport.lua and BBG override wins, though BBG just do a minor bug fix :

Line 85 and 86 yieldIndex become yieldIndex-1 because of "Firaxis indexing bug C++ indexing starts with 0, while lua starts with 1"

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Enable BBG (current v5.1.2)
  2. Enable CQUI (Workshop update 2021-09-24 3:48)
  3. Try the Trade Rroute Panel once you have your first merchant
  4. See that nothing happens

Expected behavior The Trade Route Panel should open

Suggested solution Add an explicit loadOrder of 1 while importing the TradeSupport.lua file. (BBG has no loadOrder for this file, eg 0)

Thank to all contributors!

Infixo commented 1 year ago

This bug with indexing has been officially fixed in the game files approx. 1 month ago. BBG should no longer change this file (if this was the only reason).

Gnightz commented 1 year ago

Yes I closed the related PR in February but did not close the issue. Thank you !