civfanatics / CQUI_Community-Edition

Civilization 6 mod - UI enhancements, reduce clicks and manage your empire faster!
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Update Simplified Gossip Integration #349

Closed JamieNyanchi closed 1 year ago

JamieNyanchi commented 1 year ago

This updates the Simplified Gossip integration to the current version found on Steam. This update adds in settings for remaining base game gossip as well as Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm gossip. All of the translations are from the Simplified Gossip mod and are not my own.

Some new languages are now supported in the gossip system, such as Spanish and Simplified Chinese. However, some languages that had support for the base game gossip do not have support for the expansion gossip, such as Russian. This can hopefully be resolved in the future with the help of some friendly translators.

Some individual gossip was missing from some languages for some reason, such as the spy captured gossip. I added this entry into each file. For languages besides English, I simply used the original text from the game. These can also be helped in the future by translators.

Lastly, all of the new gossip have icons attached to them and have setting options now. I am open to hearing feedback regarding the categorization, default setting, and chosen icons for each entry, and am more than happy to make adjustments based on that feedback.

the-m4a commented 1 year ago

I really appreciate this, as my time for the Civ stuff has really fallen off in the past few months. I will check this out today/tonight and likely click accept.

JamieNyanchi commented 1 year ago

I'm happy to hear the work I'm doing is appreciated! No rush on looking through the changes of course. I've submitted quite a few pull requests now that do plenty of changes, so making sure everything is thoroughly reviewed and checked is important in case I messed something up on accident.