civfanatics / CQUI_Community-Edition

Civilization 6 mod - UI enhancements, reduce clicks and manage your empire faster!
MIT License
156 stars 29 forks source link

General Discussion Thread #3

Open the-m4a opened 4 years ago

the-m4a commented 4 years ago

(Starting this just to cover this question): How do we get this published to the Workshop? @alexeyOnGitHub do you own that publishing mechanism? I recall that Azurency said someone else needed to do the publishing as he could not.

If we need to re-publish it ourselves, we should change the Mod ID GUID in the ModInfo file and list the old (current) GUID as an incompatible mod.

Infixo commented 4 years ago

@the-m4a Would you pls. add me in Steam as author?

the-m4a commented 4 years ago

Will do - I wanted to also add @alexeyOnGitHub but last time I looked (a while back) I think our accounts on steam needed to be connected or something? Will look again later today

the-m4a commented 4 years ago

Yeah - when I go to add co-contributors I am limited to only peeps on my friends list, unless there's something I am missing. Add me (if even temporarily) so I can get you listed

alexeyOnGitHub commented 4 years ago

sure, I sent a friend request through the workshop

the-m4a commented 4 years ago

I didn't see infixo's until I saw yours, alexey, but now you're both listed as pending contributors 👍

alimulhuda commented 4 years ago

@the-m4a I just noticed that the mod on Steam workshop has your .git folder and cqui_settings_local.sql file. So I was thinking you could try using a PowerShell script to automate the download part and always get a clean copy from GitHub. Something like the stuff below might work

$client = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$client.DownloadFile("", $pwd.ToString() + "\")
Expand-Archive .\ .
del .\
chaorace commented 4 years ago

I would be inclined to just bite the bullet and write two scripts, one batch file for windows and one shell file for OSX/Linux.

Powershell is a huge pain to get working as a standalone script due to MS's default execution policies, even for its home platform. I also don't think it's very realistic to expect most OSX/Linux users to have a PS Core install sitting ready to go.

In forgoing PS, we would be missing out on its handy native unzip functionality, but I think it's more reasonable to have a git dependency and just clone over the install, as opposed to depending on PS to unpack an archive.

I wonder if there's a "fake git" batch script somewhere on the internet that we could include in the mod package for the sake of cloning? If so, that could work quite well as a sort of polyfill on Windows machines without a git client installed.

chaorace commented 4 years ago

Did some more research, no such luck concerning a portable git implementation for Windows. Oh well!

I figure we can use a PS script on windows and chainload that through a batch script to bypass the security policy issues.

For Linux/OSX, we can just provide a shell script with a git dependency, since it's so ubiquitous.

Doing that would make the process as plug n' play as is possible.

the-m4a commented 4 years ago

I am missing something, is this something the folks subscribed to the mod would do? Or.. for when we're working on it? Sorry for missing the idea there.

Also.. er... any chance you all could do some code reviews? ;) (you can download that m4a-ppe branch and run that, it has the changes from the open PRs aside from the one with the Lens stuff)

alimulhuda commented 4 years ago

The script was meant to maybe help the-m4a, not for subscribers. I was thinking having a script to help with a clean download from GitHub would help make the process of uploading to Steam Workshop a little less error prone, since he has been doing uploads pretty frequently.

For those subscribers who get it from GitHub, I would think they would just use git or the direct download button on the website (Code -> Download Zip) or just the link

Regarding code reviews I'll try to get some done on weekend unless something comes up. I just don't trust myself to coding stuff on weekdays right now.

the-m4a commented 4 years ago

aah understood. :) When I publish to the steam workshop I just point it at the folder that holds the Mod files, which also happens to be the Git location (which, yeah.. .includes the cruft that it doesn't need to I suppose... - though if I delete the CQUI_Settings_Local.sql from my folder it also disappears from the Steam Workshop version, so I need to leave it there, kinda)

That also explains something - I have set up VSCode to point at a bunch of other mods I have subscribed to, and I noticed that a few would end up under Git control, and I hadn't thought much more of it... but if those mods also have a .git folder, that'd explain why VSCode treats them as such


(MoreLenses, Better Espionage Screen, Better Trade Screen, if you're curious what those 3 are... in total I have pointed them at a bunch, including the DLC folder from Civ, since that has some stuff in there that's potentially useful


the-m4a commented 4 years ago

Also - I have been limiting the uploads to the workshop to about once a week or so, usually on the weekend, because of the CQUI_Settings_Local override it does (in spite of the recent change that allows that file to exist outside of the mod folder).

chaorace commented 4 years ago

My bad! That's what I get for skimming!

the-m4a commented 4 years ago

I'm uploading the mod to the steam workshop right now - my internet went out last night and wasn't restored until this morning, which is as super lame as it sounds

the-m4a commented 4 years ago

I just noticed that the subscriber count is over 14,000. Last time I remember looking it was half that. I know the version published by (...previous person? name escaping me) had an insane subscriber count, but still... 14k when we're not even the top-most "CQUI" in the search results is pretty good!

Phillrbanks commented 4 years ago

I'm having an issue with CQUI. The city names don't show and when I meet a new Civ it cause the entire hud to vanish. The only other mod oh have running is Enhanced Mod Manager. I have attached a save file with the issue.

Edit. Forgot to mention, playing on Steam.

Bug Report

the-m4a commented 4 years ago

Was playing around tonight with that "Array" item type in the Advanced Settings that they implemented for the Natural Wonders. Finally aligned all of the stars to at least produce this... which, well, not entirely sure yet if it'll amount to anything, but it may be interesting:


the-m4a commented 4 years ago

to be clear - this is more about satisfying a curiosity than anything. The "Array" type that creates this UI isn't all that intuitive... it doesn't seem to allow the settings to be preset, nor does it allow for anything besides true/false values. Eventually did figure out the icons and whatnot, but ultimately it's just a "ok there's a thing that exists", I guess?

For "fun", in case someone wants to experiment with this stuff cqui_databaseschema.sql:

CREATE TABLE 'CQUI_Settings_GameSetup' (
    'Setting' TEXT NOT NULL,
    'Name' TEXT NOT NULL,
    'Domain' TEXT NOT NULL,
    'Icon' TEXT NOT NULL,
    'SortIndex' INTEGER NOT NULL,
    'UxHint' TEXT NOT NULL,
    'Description' TEXT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY('Setting')


INSERT OR REPLACE INTO CQUI_Settings_GameSetup -- Don't touch this line!
        ("CQUI_AlwaysOpenTechTrees",             0, "Always Open Tech Trees",              "CQUISettingsGameSetupTrueFalse", "ICON_FEATURE_CLIFFS_DOVER", 0, "SimpleSelectPanel", "Always opens the full tech trees instead of the civic/research picker panels"),
        ("CQUI_AutoapplyArchaeologistLens",      1, "Auto-Apply Archaeologist Lens",       "CQUISettingsGameSetupTrueFalse", "ICON_Gold", 0, "SimpleSelectPanel", "Automatically activates the archaeologist lens when selecting a archaeologist"),
-- etc...
        ("CQUI_TraderShowSortOrder",             0, "Trader Show Sort Order",              "CQUISettingsGameSetupTrueFalse", "ICON_Gold", 0, "SimpleSelectPanel", "Adds a divider between groups in TradeOverview panel");


        <Row ConfigurationGroup="Game" ConfigurationId="CQUI_SETTINGS_ARRAY6"                                               ParameterId="CQUISettingsGameSetupQuery6"  Name="[COLOR_Gold]CQUI Settings6[ENDCOLOR]" Description="Click to Set CQUI Settings"      Domain="CQUISettingsGameSetupTrueFalse"    Hash="0" Array="1"  GroupId="AdvancedOptions" SortIndex="506"/>
        <Row QueryId="CQUISettingsGameSetupQuery6"/>
        <Row QueryId="CQUISettingsGameSetupQuery6" SQL="SELECT Domain, Name, Description, Icon, 0 AS Hash, Value AS DefaultValue, Value, SortIndex FROM CQUI_Settings_GameSetup WHERE Domain = 'CQUISettingsGameSetupTrueFalse'"/>
the-m4a commented 4 years ago

^^^ that was only 10 days ago? ugh. weird with the time issues this month! Anyway, I just pushed an update to the Steam workshop after confirming things appeared to be okay with a few short tests. Haven't had a ton of time in the past week or so for Civ, sadly, so hopefully things continue to be alright!

Sorxus commented 4 years ago

To point out new comment on closed thread:

Infixo commented 3 years ago

Hi there. I might be available for some modding in the coming months again. Am I still a contributor? I don't see the repository on my home screen. BR, Infixo

alexeyOnGitHub commented 3 years ago

@Infixo yes, you are a part of "civfanatics org / civfanatics-cqui team" with WRITE permission for this repo.

Bohaska commented 2 years ago

Is this repository dead?

the-m4a commented 2 years ago

Not dead, I suppose... I just haven't been paying a ton of attention to it lately. Work, life, etc pulling in various different directions. I keep the occasional eye on this and the Steam page to see if it's broken, but for the most part, it's idle?