Paul, the Application content type for the Apps Catalog distro has been built with different field names than the field names that were used for the Civic Commons Marketplace and Sanitation Hackathon website, but it should be themed to look very similar to those pages. There will be some colored header blocks and content in the main content area, and the right sidebar will hae an "At a glance" block similar to what you see here:
Paul, the Application content type for the Apps Catalog distro has been built with different field names than the field names that were used for the Civic Commons Marketplace and Sanitation Hackathon website, but it should be themed to look very similar to those pages. There will be some colored header blocks and content in the main content area, and the right sidebar will hae an "At a glance" block similar to what you see here:
We need to theme the Apps Catalog distro so that applications such as this one look similar to that:
I've created a Google doc with a section on theming that shows where each field in the Appliction content type should go:
Let's discuss this with Federica so that you and she can work out any details about how to implement this.