civicmakers / client

This is the code repository for the CivicMakers knowledge sharing experiment.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Global navigation #204

Open grodeska opened 8 years ago

grodeska commented 8 years ago

As a user, I would like to be able to easily navigate across the content of the site - projects, tools, people and other wise.

Navigation breaks down into two primary buckets:

Top/global nav - from anywhere on the site users should be able to navigation to top level content on the site via a main menu. This might be a dropdown menu or a nav bar. Global nav should reflect logged in/logged out status and include user flows for signing up/logging in.

In-page nav - as users browse content, how do they move between home page, individual pages, view all pages, etc. This may be achieved via breadcrumbs.

Nav should be designed for mobile first, and utilize recognized design patterns for navigation.