civicrm / civicrm-setup

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Reconcile drush/wp-cli installers #6

Open totten opened 6 years ago

totten commented 6 years ago

CiviCRM has integrations with drush and wp-cli which can perform installation, e.g. drush civicrm-install or wp civicrm install. These serve a similar purpose as cv core:install.

At the moment, there isn't a huge functional difference; however, civicrm-setup is positioned better to bring improvements like:

There are a few ways we could reconcile the projects and keep the features at parity:

  1. Update and wp-cli/civicrm.php to use the civicrm-setup API ($setup->checkRequirements(), $setup->installDatabase(), etal). (Pro: Preserve compatibility with existing sysadmin scripts. drush/wp users don't need to download cv.)
  2. Consolidate on cv core:install; phase out other CLI scripts. (Pro: Documentation can be consolidated. Use the same commands and test-scripts for all environments.)

I'm pretty neutral on which approach is better. (Come to think of it, they're not mutually exclusive...)

herbdool commented 6 years ago

I like cv, but it can be a challenge with hosts like Pantheon which have their own commandline tool terminus which wraps around drush and wp-cli. So we'd need to convince Pantheon to also support cv or more likely create our own terminus plugin: Or update drush and wp-cli.

homotechsual commented 4 years ago

I would go for cv consolidation. There is no benefit beyond niche environments to supporting drush/wp-cli that I can see. If pantheon want to support CiviCRM they could include cv in their integration or they could fund the work needed to update drush/wp-cli for CiviCRM Setup and Drupal 8/9 but expending limited community effort on non-cross-platform solutions like Drush/WP-CLI when cv does the job doesn't seem sensible.

herbdool commented 4 years ago

It's not so much what Pantheon wants but what the people using the platform need. Or people on need. If drush support is dropped than we'd have to cobble something together but I'm not holding out hope that Pantheon will do the hard work on this.