civicrm / coder

Code sniffer configuration for CiviCRM. (Relaxed variant of Drupal CS)
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Upstream 8.x-2.x #6

Closed seamuslee001 closed 5 years ago

agh1 commented 5 years ago

@seamuslee001 looks like we're overdue for a merge from upstream! When I did this in #2 I had to go through and adjust a handful of things that either modify sniffs we don't use or introduce new sniffs that are inappropriate or too strict.

For reference, these are our changes as compared to the latest commit prior to my last merge:

seamuslee001 commented 5 years ago

@agh1 i think they are still there but would appreciate thoughts on you can see the propertyDec;aration is still commented out but there are 2 new PSR2 declarations maybe they need to be commented out as well @totten

seamuslee001 commented 5 years ago

btw this is the diff that is produced when i run a diff against the main branch @agh1 @totten

totten commented 5 years ago

@seamuslee001 I'd generally take an empirical/measured approach -- we should enable as many rules as we can without producing crazy backlog of tasks. So if, for example, PSR2.Namespaces.NamespaceDeclaration produces a 500 warnings that would have to be fixed manually -- then disable it. If it produces none, 👍 . If it produces a few warnings (or if the cleanup is amenable to automation), then I vote fix them.

Perhaps relevant: -- on a substantive level, PSR-2's namespace/use policy seems pretty reasonable.

If we do go a cleanup route, and if it touches many files, then there's a stickier question -- because we currently apply the same ruleset to all tests on all versions. Finding a way to transition might be a longer discussion? Or, for low-tech approach, we could (1) merge the cleanups to code now and (2) activate new ruleset after a month or two.

seamuslee001 commented 5 years ago

@totten i can take a look tomorrow i guess but also not 100% sure what the rule covers so wouldn't be sure exactly what might be checking for

totten commented 5 years ago

So you shouldn't have to know much about the rules to get a read on their impact. One can start by spotchecking a subset, e.g. this one takes (only) 40 sec on my laptop:

find Civi/Core/ CRM/Core/BAO/ api/ -name '*.php' | grep -v /examples/| time xargs phpcs-civi

That should give a sign (with clearer warning text) if there's anything extremely amiss. If it looks promising on the subset, then repeat with larger filesets. That's slower, so you'll either need to do it in the background, or get some coffee, or execute in parallel fashion. In the past, I improvised (running multiple threads in different console-tabs), but there might be a simpler way to parallel-task:

# Runs 3 concurrent tasks of up to 20 files each.
find Civi CRM api bin extern -name '*.php' | grep -v /examples/| time xargs -P3 -L20 phpcs-civi
seamuslee001 commented 5 years ago

@totten so i ran that and this is the output it gave me

totten commented 5 years ago


To help visualize the distribution of issues, I did some string munging and got:

Based on this sample of 519 PHP file and 763 issues, we have a rate of ~1.47 issues per file. Extrapolating to 2761 PHP files in civicrm-core, the current draft ruleset is probably identifying circa 4000 issues. Which is a lot. :)

There are automated cleanups for some things (via phpcbf). But my trust in it depends on the specific issue. (Ex: The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line sounds safe for automatic cleanup.) Maybe there's a way to do partial automated cleanup (like temporarily hacking at the ruleset?)?

Poking through, the output highlights a bunch of good issues, but some things seem problematic:

TBH, the fastest thing is probably disabling suspicious rules so that we can focus on cleaning up the stuff that's more clear-cut. If there's time+patience left over, then dig deeper into the problematic ones.

agh1 commented 5 years ago

If I recall correctly we left it last time such that we knew some rules would trip up some files but it was better to have those get flagged occasionally than to try doing an autoclean. Does that sound right?

For array indentation, a lot of the issue is arrays that are spelled out in the arguments of functions. I think I recall a lot of spots where it looked reasonable but didn't fit the sniff's idea of where it should be indented.

I wonder if of @totten's suspicious rules we should keep the namespaced classes (it won't affect as much of our code), array indents (we already have rules about this, so this is probably just a refinement), and comments after statements (same thing) and disable the others.

seamuslee001 commented 5 years ago

@totten @agh1 i have updated the rules and it now outputs

totten commented 5 years ago

If I recall correctly we left it last time such that we knew some rules would trip up some files but it was better to have those get flagged occasionally than to try doing an autoclean. Does that sound right?

Hmm, I don't think so. There's currently a wide cap between the version of coder pegged in buildkit (a801890a82d52e23a83c5d820270b6e228843d79) and the head of origin/8.x-2.x-civi (503b3f4d91b4f37bf6004c5e15e3beb37fed6c6b; +161 commits). There is then an additional gap from origin/8.x-2.x-civi and this PR (0a53bbb18f0a199f932f5f239ef9e5bcce90e700; +197 commits).

Using current origin/8.x-2.x-civi (503b3f4d91b4f37bf6004c5e15e3beb37fed6c6b), I do see a high number of issues. I ran phpcbf-civi against the first 200 PHP files, and 59 of them had issues - or about 33%. That creates pretty high odds that future patch authors will regularly encounter such style issues.

For a benchmark, I did a couple batches of cleanup. It took me 20-30 min to handle one batch of 100 files (with assistance from phpcbf autoclean). With 2100 PHP files, that's ~7 hours of cleanup work to get the level of current origin/8.x-2.x-civi.

seamuslee001 commented 5 years ago

@totten i have just updated to exclude some more rules which might be useful down the track but not right now

seamuslee001 commented 5 years ago

@totten this is now the ouput after running phpcbf-civi and then running civilint

totten commented 5 years ago

Alrighty, merging this. We're charging forth with upfront cleanups in other PRs, and it's clearer how to proceed there if this is merged (i.e. if there's one clear branch specifying the target ruleset). We can still tweak/disable rules as needed. It won't go live until we update buildkit.