civicrm / org.civicrm.shoreditch

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Update #515

Closed danfish closed 3 years ago

danfish commented 3 years ago

corrected spelling of currently


A brief description of the pull request. Try to keep it non-technical.


The current status. Please provide screenshots or gifs (LICEcap, SilentCast) where appropriate.


What has been changed. Please provide screenshots or gifs (LICEcap, SilentCast) where appropriate.

Technical Details

If the PR introduces noteworthy technical changes, please describe them here. Provide code snippets if necessary

Core overrides

If the PR overrides/patches a core file, then please explain here, for each file:

  1. Which file it is
  2. The reason why it was overridden/patched
  3. What the override/patch consists of


Anything else you would like the reviewer to note