civictechindex / BOP

A repo for tracking work regarding the Brigade Organizer's Playbook
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BOP: Onboarding / Offboarding: Product #265

Open ExperimentsInHonesty opened 8 months ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 8 months ago



We need to onboard the new team member to our resources so that they can have access to the drive and repo.

Action Items

For Onboarding

For Offboarding


Onboarding template

#### Onboard
- Name: 
- Date: YYYY-MM-DD
- [ ] Slack channel membership
  - [ ] BOP
- [ ] Add to relevant Google calendar invites
   - [ ] PM
   - [ ] All
   - [ ] DEV 
- [ ] Add to team page on Wiki (don't currently have one)
- [ ] Google Drive
   - [ ] Add as Manager
- [ ] Roster
  - [ ] Send link
  - [ ] Team member adds themselves
  - [ ] Check for Public and note in roster
- [ ] GitHub
     - [ ] Add to team write team
       - [ ] promote to maintainer
     - [ ] Add to read vault
       - [ ] promote to maintainer
- [ ] Figma
  - [ ] invite
  - [ ] acceptance
- [ ] 1password 
     - [ ] invitation
     - [ ] acceptance
     - [ ] add to appropriate vaults
        - [ ] BOP (for PMs and research)
        - [ ] BOP - Dev/Data
        - [ ] BOP - UI/UX (for design)
       - [ ] Zoom vault
- [ ] Add to email address(s)
   - [ ]
   - [ ] [REPLACE with name of secondary email]
- [ ] Social Media Accounts with role assignment
   - [ ] Facebook
- [ ] Train how to 
   - [ ] login to team account
   - [ ] setup chrome shortcut for adding to desktop
   - [ ] use zoom spreadsheet, vault and accounts
   - [ ] calendar invite
#### Offboard
- [ ] Remove from Google calendar invite
   - [ ] PM
   - [ ] All
   - [ ] DEV 
- [ ] WIKI
  - [ ] move to new place on team page
  - [ ] 1password setup
    - [ ] remove from team vaults
        - [ ] BOP (for PMs and research)
        - [ ] BOP - Dev/Data
        - [ ] BOP - UI/UX (for design)
       - [ ] Zoom vault
- [ ] Google Drive
   - [ ] remove from drive
- [ ] Roster
  - [ ] mark as inactive
- [ ] GitHub
     - [ ] demote member to read only team and remove from write team
- [ ] Figma
  - [ ] remove from team
- [ ] Help them delete the desktop shortcut to email address if they made one.
- [ ] Remove from email address(s)
   - [ ]
   - [ ] [REPLACE with name of secondary email]
- [ ] Remove from Social Media Accounts with role assignment
   - [ ] Facebook

Resources for Onboarding

Add the links below each item

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 8 months ago

Onboard 2023-10-22 Erin

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 8 months ago

The following people have been onboarded

Toe, Priya, Daniel

The following people have not been onboarded


Estherchuks commented 8 months ago


Estherchuks commented 8 months ago


Estherchuks commented 8 months ago


Estherchuks commented 5 months ago


Name: Sanju Venugopal Date: 2024-04-02


ExperimentsInHonesty commented 4 months ago

Needs updating