civictechindex / BOP

A repo for tracking work regarding the Brigade Organizer's Playbook
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BOP: ALL Team meeting agenda #276

Open ExperimentsInHonesty opened 5 months ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 5 months ago


This issue tracks the agenda for our weekly meetings

Issue Template

## [Date ]  Meeting Agenda

### Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] #  

### Roll call
- [ ] Esther
- [ ] ~Ksenia~
- [ ] Bonnie
- [ ] Sanju
- [ ] Aleiya
- [ ] Ethan

### Recurring items: Happens on the ________ meeting
 - [ ] review any issues that are in the [new issue approval column]
 - [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
    - [ ] Review assignments for each Team member
       - [ ] [Esther](
       - [ ] ~[Ksenia](
       - [ ] [Bonnie](
       - [ ] [Sanju](
       - [ ] [Aleiya](
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
- [ ] review issues with [epic label] and define how to break down further
- [ ] Review to see if there are any members to Onboard or Offboard 
      - [ ]  #

### New Items
- [ ] 
- [ ] Carry over Items to next meeting that don't get addressed

### FYIs

### Notes from Meeting

### Task Items

Links to other agenda issues for your team

(so that you can easily post on their agendas items that come up at yours)

Previous Meetings (link to each comment with the date)

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 5 months ago

2024-02-05 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Roll call

Recurring items

New Items



Notes from Meeting

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 5 months ago

2024-02-12 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Roll call

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 4 months ago

20234-02-19 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Roll call

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

ag2463 commented 4 months ago

[2024-03-04 ] Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Roll call

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Estherchuks commented 3 months ago

[2024-04-08] Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Roll call

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

ag2463 commented 1 month ago

[2024-05-13] Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Roll call

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items