Open MasSamH opened 4 years ago
@ExperimentsInHonesty @MarianneAnthonette Marianne has worked on the message to go out via the Slacks.
Can you review and reply with your preference. Option A has a shorter intro, that then goes into more detail in the thread. (note the zoom interview invite CTA appears below the dashed line. Option B has a longer intro, including the zoom interview view CTA, that then goes into more detail in the thread. Review the messaging Message for Brigades
@MarianneAnthonette @MasSamH I updated option B, to say "Sign-up for your zoom interview 🔺🔺🔺 or read more about this project in this thread. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ " since the link to signup was above. I also vote for option B obviously.
@ExperimentsInHonesty Question from the group, should we extend the interview period to end of Nov? 6 days left. Target would be 50 brigades. Currently we have 27 #47 Brigade Contact Directory
@MarianneAnthonette @raquelnish @thadk
Schedule extended to Dec. 4th.
Further round of outreach to Brigades starting 19.11.
Bonnie reached out to South Conversation with Janet and Tyrek - they will be channel partners to reach out in their region. Bonnie is sharing package so that they can do the outreach. Bonnie went back to 'no responders' from the first time. Thad trying again with Noel and Kate - direct text. Bonnie will flag again on the Brigade 2.0 meeting
We have one more interview that is scheduled. Stretch target would be 40 brigades. So far 35 brigades have participated. @ExperimentsInHonesty What are the further outreach plans? Are we going to extend the Calendly interview availability? @MarianneAnthonette @raquelnish @thadk
Interview availability will be extended to 12/19 (2 weeks from Saturday). Calendly will be extended after UXR availability begins to fill in the UXR schedule. UXR schedule extension email will be sent out today.
Bonnie is writing to Janet and Thad. 5 interviews scheduled since 07.12.20
Progress: None Blockers: Not enough time on Saturday Availability: limited/none ETA: Unknown
We reached out to @osnickersnee to find out if we could open up the calendly.
Here's a prioritization view for the remaining few based on brigade meetup subscriptions:
Interviews with
[ ] I will initiate contact with Newark / @justzay
[ ] Maybe @ExperimentsInHonesty can contact Cary, NC? / Robert Campbell and follow up again with Tampa Bay?
[ ] Bonnie to contact Code for Bloomington?
Update shared
Outreach to continue from Bonnie.
Bonnie is going to do the comparison : New Brigade Contact spreadsheet with 2021 MOU (presumably) (edited)
Thad updated this list of current MOUs of active brigades and there is another round of outreach scheduled.
@ExperimentsInHonesty Bonnie to contact MOUs
@MarianneAnthonette To add the people who were reached out to but didn't schedule an interview.
@thadk @ExperimentsInHonesty: I updated the BOP Participation tab to include Additional Brigade Interview Reachouts (Columns G-I)
These are people mentioned by our current interviewees' to possibly do an interview with (but haven't scheduled an interview/haven't been contacted yet).
@MarianneAnthonette is going to create 1 new column 'D' primary/ names of the person who referred them on the directory sheet
@thadk I've added column D (Primary or Referred by) on the directory sheet. Please review it and play around with what conditional formatting would work best for you and Bonnie.
@cfsjsharedadmin has been tasked with contacting Open Eugene and Code for Sonoma County
@mrao2 is going to add the new brigades to the spreadsheet
We need to contact the Brigades that remain uninterviewed and we need to help of the NAC and Staff to reach the remaining brigades
Reps: Tyrek (1yr) & Frolian (2yr)
Reps: Thad (1yr) & Micah (2yr)
Reps: Janet (1yr) & (2yr) Mohith
Reps: Eric (2yr) & Patrick (2yr)
Reps: Bonnie (1yr) & Annie (2yr)
@ExperimentsInHonesty will reach out to
Your Contact spreadsheet is very awesome.. and also a bit intimidating. I didn't want to mess up the system, so here's an update:
We need to scale recruitment via a second communication effort to Brigade Leads.
Action Items
Resistance Document
Contact spreadsheet
Text use to DM brigade leads