civictechindex / CTI-website-frontend

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Expert Interview: Bonnie #1096

Open ExperimentsInHonesty opened 2 years ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago


We need to do a review with Bonnie to find out what is not working prior to launch

Action Items



Issues created

smsada commented 2 years ago

Needs Update

New Issues

Title: Homepage: Change destination of project links #1125

### Overview
We need the links for the projects on the homepage to go to their project profile page in the contributors section of our website

### Action Items
- [ ] Identify where the links are stored and how they are appearing on the home page 
  - [ ] Annotate issue with details in case we need to make changes later
- [ ] If hard coded, swap them out for relevant pages on CTI
- [ ] If coming from the database, change logic that drives what they link to.

### Resources/Instructions
<summary>Screenshot of "See how the Civic Tech Index is used by" section</summary>


<summary>Screenshot of page it should be linked to</summary>


Logo for BetaNYC should be linked to:

Updates Under Review

Action Items


How to make an update

  1. Open issue using the Add/Edit meeting time link issue template on VRMS repo
  2. Message VRMS team in Slack Channel, linking the new issue, so they can add it to the project board
  3. Confirm changes are made

Timestamp: [47:04](
Wednesday PM meeting should be changed to Sunday 9AM
<summary>Screenshot of current page</summary>


- [x] Inaugural Posts #1059
    - Prep posts for Social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Github)
        - Remind Bonnie to add people to Civic Tech Index
        - Get everyone on the CTI to invite everyone from HFLA to like the FB page
    - Make issue for who you are going to follow (all the brigades like Code for America). There should be a spreadsheet with all the brigades ("Code for America Twitter")
    - As soon as the site launches, start following these accounts and send them a message "Hey we launched"
Timestamp: [48:47](

- [x] Confirm Privacy Policy has CTI instead of HFLA for website where applicable and technologies are confirmed correct
    - #1074 
Timestamp: [54:50](

- [x] Make page pop-up similar to 311-data's that says "we use cookies... Learn More" see below for example
    - Needs to prompt "accept message" or the pop-up will remain on the screen
    - Needs to have a "Learn more" hyperlink to projects privacy policy (made in Issue #1074 )
<summary> 311-data's page showing Privacy Policy pop-up </summary>


Timestamp: [55:23](

- [ ] Add topic tags
    - Put our repo through CTI's tag generator and add some more
Timestamp: [54:06](
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Non launch critical issues When we created the privacy policy page #1074, we did not have a pop up. Make a new issue to create that, milestone is post mvp


Timestamp: 55:23

smsada commented 2 years ago

Recording 1 Issues


Timestamp: 8:37


Timestamp: 10:00

Example of HFLA Style guide ![image](

Timestamp: 21:30

smsada commented 2 years ago

Recording 2 Issues


Timestamp: 1:27

smsada commented 2 years ago

Recording 3 Issues - FAQ Issue #1066

Bonnie's Notes - Doesn't make sense that Github link isn't available on the internet - "What if I Can't find the organization I am affiliated with?" Makes more sense as the question being answered - Mixed up answer with the question
Bonnie's Notes - do we actually need that link in the paragraph and why? It might be taking people away from the page when we don't want that - Second sentence is worded awkwardly and overlapping technologies/disciplines doesn't make sense - Change to reduces over lapping work - Reword who sentence


Timestamp: 11:09

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

~@smsada Add this to our Project Board~ Moved to PM/Org Agenda

Team Links

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

The latest recording made early may 2022 is in this recordings 4 folder