civictechnologists / website

Jekyll-based website for the Alliance of Civic Technologists
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Add list of member organizations to website. #7

Open krusynth opened 1 year ago

krusynth commented 1 year ago

Probably should have its own page, maybe a more fully-built-out about page? Also a summary on the home page to lend credibility (since you're asking for donations and all).

bensheldon commented 1 year ago

Agreed 👍🏻 Membership is developing so I'd like to decouple the design and implementation from the data. Let's do the website changes in a branch/PR with fake data, and then we'll publish those changes once we have the real membership data. That means we might have to be somewhat conservative initially with the design to keep it contained and avoid merge-conflicts.

I like the suggestion of creating an About page to contain this content. That satisfies my requirement that we keep the changes self-contained. We're in a content-building phase right now, so I expect that we'll reorganize pages and navigation later.

krusynth commented 1 year ago

We can use data files to separate the content from the layout. See here:


You can also do this as front matter yaml in the page itself, but in my experience that is painful to maintain and I don't recommend it. (E.g. )

bensheldon commented 1 year ago

My preference would be for using data files 👍 Let's be as Jekylly as possible.

bensheldon commented 1 year ago

We're just waiting on the member lists now.