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This extension allows CiviCRM to send emails and process bounces through the SparkPost service.
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Switch Sparkpost to using current crypto system #103

Closed seamuslee001 closed 2 years ago

nganivet commented 2 years ago

Actually @seamuslee001 , I have lost interest in maintaining this extension since now using another provider. Would you be willing to co-maintain this extension if it is transferred to

herbdool commented 2 years ago

There are syntax errors in the upgrade script now: a missing comma, an undefined variable ($registry), undefined method (canbeStord).

herbdool commented 2 years ago

Maybe it's a good time to merge this project with and add any upgrade paths? @mlutfy

nganivet commented 2 years ago

@herbdool Thanks for the patch and sorry I merged this pull request without verifying based on the reputation of the authors.

nganivet commented 2 years ago

@herbdool On a side note, it would have been more polite to ask me before suggesting to move to ...

herbdool commented 2 years ago

@nganivet you said: "Would you be willing to co-maintain this extension if it is transferred to". So I replied with asking if it would be a good time to merge it with the other project. I don't see how this is impolite.

You seem to want to get it off your hands so I reached out to see who might be interested.

nganivet commented 2 years ago

Sorry about the wrong choice of words, but at least let's agree that we need one or two co-maintainers before talking about any transfer of ownership. It would serve no purpose to move the repository absent this condition, hence my opposition.

mlutfy commented 2 years ago

@herbdool We are maintaining our fork ( and if there is something to do in order to help with switching, patches welcome. Since our fork uses a different extension key (Sparkpost instead of the old long-form), it's not a drop-in replacement - the old extension has to be disabled/uninstalled, then enable/configure the new one.

If this extension is no longer maintained, I will remove the "available for in-app install" status on