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This extension allows CiviCRM to send emails and process bounces through the SparkPost service.
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Sparkpost messages in civicrm scheduled jobs log #29

Closed cdhassell closed 8 years ago

cdhassell commented 8 years ago

The scheduled jobs log for the Sparkpost Fetch Bounces job always ends with this: "Full message: Finished execution of SparkPost Fetch Bounces with result: Failure, Error message: API (SparkPost, fetchbounces) does not exist (join the API team and implement it!)" Despite this, the job does complete successfully and reports bounce data that look reasonable. Sounds like a missing feature. Is this normal or do I have a setting wrong somewhere?

nganivet commented 8 years ago

You must have used the other Sparkpost extension, this one does not have a fetch bounces job.