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This extension allows CiviCRM to send emails and process bounces through the SparkPost service.
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Error displayed for event registrants with an on-hold bounce email address #68

Closed lkuttner closed 5 years ago

lkuttner commented 5 years ago

Error below is displayed on the confirmation page when a user with an on-hold bounce address submits an event registration on CiviCRM 5.4.0 using Sparkpost ext 1.3. Registration is recorded and an email does get sent out. Sparkpost error Sparkpost error: HTTP return code 404, Sparkpost error code (Resource could not be found: ). Check for interpretation.

nganivet commented 5 years ago

@lkuttner Would you have some budget available for us to look at this issue and resolve it?

lkuttner commented 5 years ago

Hi Nicholas-- we would like to make a small contribution toward helping fund continued maintenance of this extension, and encourage others who use it to do so too. Thanks for your continued efforts.

nganivet commented 5 years ago

@lkuttner We estimate 2-4 hours of work to investigate, fix and release a new version of the extension. So will require a $250-$500 budget to fix this error. Is this something you can commit to? Thanks.

lkuttner commented 5 years ago

@nganivet Unfortunately, we are not in a financial position to put up more than the $50 contribution we just made. Hopefully, others will come forward and contribute so you can allocate some time to updating this extension.

jboorman commented 5 years ago

Getting the same issue. Has any progress been made to update the extension. ..?

nganivet commented 5 years ago

@jboorman And ... who is going to pay for my time updating this extension? Stop being both a leech (as profiting from others work) and an annoyance to hard-working people (by posting comments such as the one above), and start thinking about what you can do to make it happen ... Cheers!

jboorman commented 5 years ago

We have fixed the issue don't worry..