cividesk /

This extension allows CiviCRM to send emails and process bounces through the SparkPost service.
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Maintenance Status #71

Closed zkrebs closed 5 years ago

zkrebs commented 5 years ago

Is this extension still maintained? Could one reasonably implement it on 5.x CiviCRM or does it need development resources? Deciding between this, Mandrill, and CiviSMTP.

nganivet commented 5 years ago

Why don't you test it and report in this thread? You know, do something for the Community. Thanks.

zkrebs commented 5 years ago

Sure, give me a few days. There are quite a few extensions for bulk mail providers and we're looking for which one is the most actively maintained/best-bet so we can use it and sponsor it. Happy to give back, thanks for the reminder!

laryn commented 5 years ago

I can confirm the module is working on a 5.10.3 site.

zkrebs commented 5 years ago

Thanks @laryn - I am trying to set up a dev site to test this out on because there appears to be no great way to do it on a prod site without disrupting our existing mail service :D

nganivet commented 5 years ago

Thanks @laryn, closing issue then. I will update the to indicate 5.x compatibility on the next release.