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This extension allows CiviCRM to send emails and process bounces through the SparkPost service.
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Find a new maintainer? #95

Closed herbdool closed 2 years ago

herbdool commented 4 years ago

As the number of voluntary donations to maintain & support the extension can still be counted with a single hand, maintenance of this extension is officially discontinued. You can still contract Cividesk, or any other CiviCRM provider, for any needed maintenance. Thanks for your understanding.

According to it seems that if the extension is no longer being maintained that it should either be marked as deprecated, or be reported to to be delisted or unpublished.

jaapjansma commented 2 years ago

I would rather then handover the maintenance to a wider community. I am happy to take this on and make this a community extension as it is a useful extension.

ginkgomzd commented 2 years ago

"Deprecated" sounds like the wrong designation for this scenario. It sounds to me like "Seeking Maintainer". I don't know what "community maintenance" means: are there processes in place for such a designation?

It's my own pet peeve when people talk as if maintainer status not being handed over is a block to any volunteer contributions. It should be the reverse... any "Seeking Maintainer" extension should be a sign for others to donate freely, and if someone establishes a track-record, they can petition the previous maintainer or the community to get the official status.

FYI, I have no intention of using this extension in the future. ;-)

jaapjansma commented 2 years ago

@ginkgomzd with community I mean that several people have merge rights on this repo so that when someone submits a pull request it gets merged and it is not dependent on one specific person. I am happy to take that on but lets see what @nganivet thinks about that.

nganivet commented 2 years ago

@jaapjansma Thanks for offering to maintain this extension in the future. Do you a) have clients that use this extension, and b) have a test environment in place for testing incoming PRs?

nganivet commented 2 years ago

@herbdool I see no reason this extension should be deprecated. Could you please suggest a language that would indicate this extension is "seeking maintainer" according to the lifecycle documents mentioned in your first post? I will then update the accordingly. Thanks.

jaapjansma commented 2 years ago

@nganivet I have two clients who are using sparkpost. Those are long term clients and I work with them regularly. Both are in need for the transactional email bounce handling. (See #105) and one of them funded this. Both are behind CiviProxy and both use to track bounces through CiviProxy.

nganivet commented 2 years ago

@jaapjansma @herbdool @mlutfy , per this and #103 it would make sense to merge these forks (incl. @JoeMurray's) into a single extension maintained on lab.civicrm. Is this something you can co-ordinate between the 3 of you?

jaapjansma commented 2 years ago

Yes I am happy to coordinate. @herbdool and @mlutfy and @JoeMurray are you joining?

JoeMurray commented 2 years ago

We would be willing to help out some as we use the extension for a few clients, though we have been migrating lately to other services in some cases.

nganivet commented 2 years ago

Thank you @jaapjansma, tell me if you need anything on my end.

herbdool commented 2 years ago

I've got too much on my plate at the moment. I'll continue to make PRs or reviewing them when I can.

JoeMurray commented 2 years ago

If you could add JMA as maintainers after yourself, Jaap, that would be great.

jaapjansma commented 2 years ago

@herbdool thanks no problem.

@JoeMurray as soon as I am a (co-)maintainer I will add you.

@nganivet I have two questions for you:

  1. Can you add me to this repo as a maintainer? (with full rights)
  2. Shall I move this repo to
nganivet commented 2 years ago

Thanks @jaapjansma 1. is Done, and I would vote yes on 2 since it is now community maintained. @mlutfy, can you please facilitate migration to

jaapjansma commented 2 years ago


mlutfy commented 2 years ago

Here is the doc for moving from Github to Gitlab: (create a token, import to Gitlab, then ping me on mattermost's extension channel, or here)

jaapjansma commented 2 years ago

Thanks @mlutfy I have imported the project to can you move it to

jaapjansma commented 2 years ago

The extension is moved to