civisanalytics / python-glmnet

A python port of the glmnet package for fitting generalized linear models via penalized maximum likelihood.
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Inaccurate porting of covariance vs naive method #82

Open JamesYang007 opened 8 months ago

JamesYang007 commented 8 months ago

glmnet actually does a slightly different check than just a "n" vs "p" comparison like this. It invokes method 1 (covariance method) if p <= 500. The covariance method keeps track of a matrix of covariances C(i,j) for every feature i and every active feature j. And under the hood, C is allocated as a pxp matrix (even though we use much less memory than that usually); this was done out of simplicity because it's very hard to write clever data structures in Fortran. So even when n >> p, if p is also large, this is not a viable default option on most machines.

Anyways, I'd suggest changing to

if X.shape[1] <= 500:
    algo_flag = 1
    algo_flag = 2