civo / kubernetes-marketplace

Marketplace of Kubernetes applications available for quick and easy installation in to Civo Kubernetes clusters
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Update SpinKube to wait for cert-manager #743

Closed mikkelhegn closed 5 months ago

mikkelhegn commented 5 months ago

Thank you for wanting to submit a Pull Request to the Civo Kubernetes Marketplace repository!

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@saiyam1814 - This is an update to the logic to wait for cert-manager installation.

saiyam1814 commented 5 months ago

@mikkelhegn the existing check should wait for 300 seconds, did you experience even more time taken thatn that for cert manager to be installed?

mikkelhegn commented 5 months ago

My observation is that the command fails because the namespace -n cert-manager cannot be found when it's run, so it just errors our and continues.

saiyam1814 commented 5 months ago

One quick question on which Kubernetes cluster you tried? Tlos ro K3s?

mikkelhegn commented 5 months ago

I use k3s: civo kubernetes create -a spinkube --nodes 2

saiyam1814 commented 5 months ago

Currently Spinkube only works on Talos as the shim is present there. For it to work with K3s, shim has to be installed separately

# Add Helm repository if not already done
helm repo add kwasm

# Install KWasm operator
helm install \
  kwasm-operator kwasm/kwasm-operator \
  --namespace kwasm \
  --create-namespace \

# Provision Nodes
kubectl annotate node --all

This has to be done first and then the app will work for k3s .

mikkelhegn commented 5 months ago

Ok, that makes sense. However, I don't think that change sthe logic needed for the install to wait. Let me test it out. Would also be great if the app checked for the distribution, and failed if k3s was identified.

saiyam1814 commented 5 months ago

Agree, there has been in internal discussion for the aps to have cluster support field in manifest where we can sepcify it its for one or both and then display accordingly. no timelines yet. Meanwhile we can add custom logic in the intall script to check if its k3s then add that kwasm thind otherwise run the other part.

mikkelhegn commented 5 months ago

Ok - I'll focus this PR on identification of Talos and the install logic. Will not focus on k3s support for now.

mikkelhegn commented 5 months ago

Here's the error I see when running the app:

{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:04.753259663Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Cloneing git repo\n"}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:04.753452601Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Creating temp dir to clone git repo"}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:04.753570928Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Created temp dir: /tmp/prefix4120809582"}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:07.905134059Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Validating that app exists: spinkube\n"}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:07.905299658Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Running App Install"}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:17.399627543Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Cheking the is preset or not"}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:17.399811944Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Running the"}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:17.399986028Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Making the shell file executable"}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:17.402535219Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Command output","stdout":""}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:17.402586623Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"Command output","stderr":""}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:17.40259886Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Running the shell file"}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:17.402707384Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Shell file contents","shellFile":"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"}
Error: exit status 1
  marketplace-installer install [flags]

install <app name>

  -h, --help   help for install

Global Flags:
  -d, --git-url string   The git repo to clone from (default "")

{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:24.579238977Z","level":"INFO","msg":"Command output","stdout":" created\ created\ created\ created\n"}
{"time":"2024-04-22T07:55:24.579272602Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"Command output","stderr":"Error from server (NotFound): namespaces \"cert-manager\" not found\nPulled:\nDigest: sha256:919e2a3b513eeba58a16581f65cfe86194bf5d6a1ae37ef07e3e0aee7d1e52be\nW0422 07:55:24.409852      40 warnings.go:70] would violate PodSecurity \"restricted:latest\": seccompProfile (pod or containers \"manager\", \"kube-rbac-proxy\" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to \"RuntimeDefault\" or \"Localhost\")\nError: INSTALLATION FAILED: 2 errors occurred:\n\t* Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: Post \"https://cert-manager-webhook.cert-manager.svc:443/validate?timeout=30s\": dial tcp connect: connection refused\n\t* Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: Post \"https://cert-manager-webhook.cert-manager.svc:443/validate?timeout=30s\": dial tcp connect: connection refused\n\n\n"}
mikkelhegn commented 5 months ago

For identification of Talos vs. k3s - do you think this is viable? (e.g., look for Thalos in the osImage name)?

if $(kubectl get nodes -o json | jq .items.[].status.nodeInfo.osImage | grep -q "Thalos"); then Thalos=true; else Thalos=false; fi
# Thalos cluster
> k get nodes -o json | jq .items.[].status.nodeInfo.osImage
"Talos (v1.5.0-civo)"
"Talos (v1.5.0-civo)"

# K3s cluster
> k get nodes -o json | jq .items.[].status.nodeInfo.osImage
"Alpine Linux v3.18"
"Alpine Linux v3.18"
saiyam1814 commented 5 months ago

I think if we take the version, It might change in future with different Kubernetes version. I think that Talos should remain. So we cn just have a single check if image name has Talos then do as is else we add that kwas thing as well.

mikkelhegn commented 5 months ago

What do you think about bumping the version to 0.2.0? It's part of the PR now.

I also added a note to the file about only Talos being supported, but I'm not sure if that's the right place for that? Please advise.