Open abneuheimer opened 3 years ago
Hi, I believe it should be possible (the call to glm includes the argument ...). But I haven't checked that this works. If you can't get it to work, can you post some example code?
Thanks for the reply. Here you go (using the hier.part() example data):
hier.part(amphipod$australis, env1, fam = "binomial", link="probit", gof = "logLik")
A screenshot of the output is attached. The link is listed as "default" instead of "probit":
I now recall that I had only implemented the link argument for family = "beta" or "ordinal", and hadn't implemented it for families that use glm. I've edited the functions now so that the link argument is applied to glm as well. I think it is working, but it seems for the "amphipod$australis, env1" example, link = "logit" or link = "probit" makes no difference to the result. To trial it, you'll need to install the github version. Please let me know if you find any errors in what I've done.
Thanks very much! I was using the example in a course I was teaching to show hier.part() options - no big surprise the switch to probit doesn't do much. Unfortunately, I can't test it out - I'm having a problem installing the github version of the hier.part package - it seems to be related to the lmtest package which is failing to update.
I managed to install it by choosing not to update the other packages that devtools was offering to update. (i.e. by pressing return at "Enter one or more numbers, or an empty line to skip updates:")...Thanks for the prompt to fix this shortcoming of hier.part. I'll do some more bug-checking before submitting v1-07 to CRAN
Hello! Is it possible to specify the link function as well as the family when using hier.part()? (e.g. probit link with a binomial glm)