Closed dc1rdb closed 8 years ago
Or with gr-osmosdr for many SDR? Kai
Am 20.03.2015 um 10:17 schrieb dc1rdb
Thanks for your great work! Using it daily on Mac OS X, running very stable. Is there a chance to support Funcube dongle Pro+ in the future, maybe through something like gr-fcdproplus library?
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Thanks @dc1rdb glad it's working well for you -- I'm investigating using either gr-osmosdr and/or SoapySDR at the moment which should allow for a wider range of devices. I haven't decided whether to use them completely or allow for one-off builds for specific devices -- I would like to keep a lean RTL-SDR build as an option so a few other devices might be reasonable to support that way too.
gr-osmosdr would be best. Then you get hackrf etc support to.
yes please, hackrf support would be great.
I'd love to see the SDRplay RSP to be included in the list of supported devices. I could be achieved either through gr-osmosdr or maybe by using the OS X API supplied by SDRplay Thanks again for your excellent work!
+1 for gr-osmocom. You are having it as a 0.1.x milestone, can you make an estimation on the x in 0.1.x? Looking to move from rtl-sdr to SDRplay.
I'll aim for 0.1.5 -- it'll probably be awhile before I can buy some of the other hardware for testing but I'll start by implementing it for rtl-sdr via gr-osmosdr and go from there.
Owning FCDP+, HackRF, SDRPlay and various RTL-Dongles, I'd be happy to do some testing for you. Just let me know.
Same here. If we can help, just shout. After all it's us that benefit from your efforts.
On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 9:56 AM, dc1rdb wrote:
Owning FCDP+, HackRF, SDRPlay and various RTL-Dongles, I'd be happy to do some testing for you. Just let me know.
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Just a heads-up. I have the SDRplay working with gr-osmosdr on a Mac.
@Toontje great; I'll be checking it out once I wrap up the 0.1.4 issues and testing -- I'm going to try to hook into gr-osmosdr dynamically at runtime so that it's not a requirement; it'll just ask if you want to use it on startup if available.
Just a note I've moved the releases to minor revisions, so 0.2.0 should be considered the next "release" and 0.1.5, 0.1.6, 0.1.7, etc. will be several unannounced patch/testing releases to come before then.
Going to try this through SoapyOsmoSDR library, tried a few things so far and it's been smoother than using the gr-osmosdr blocks directly -- plus it looks like they support the option of full remote control of any supported device.
Initial results looking good, just need to get a data stream now..
Loading:: configuration file '/Users/ccliffe/Library/Application Support/CubicSDR/config.xml'
API Version: v0.3.0-g56754c9d
ABI Version: v0.3-0
Install root: /usr/local
Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/
Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/
Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/
Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/
Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/
Loading modules... done
Available factories...airspy, bladerf, hackrf, null, rfspace, rtl,
Found device 0
driver = rtl
label = Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000003
rtl = 0
Well done, looking forward to this.
Have it working on Mac with SoapySDR but can't get the bundled app version to work -- I've put in an issue at SoapySDR repository for it. I'll see about getting Linux and Windows SoapySDR builds going tomorrow; should be easier since they have binary releases available too
Is your code ready for check in so i can build and test it? I'm really looking forward to this.
Code is in the soapysdr-support branch and I just gave it a quick test with an RTL SDR and found that it works fine.
The HackRF driver is broken for me though: (
@bobobo1618 Glad the RTLSDR is working; I've been able to test that one pretty thoroughly here -- unfortunate to hear the HackRF isn't right yet..
I think we might need to liberate a few more devices from OsmoSDR into SoapySDR modules to prevent the Osmo/Soapy disconnect in the future :)
Have had a crack with my BladeRF, and get an error, here's the output of CubicSDR:
pwarren@hollis:~/Projects/CubicSDR/build(soapysdr-support)$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/pwarren/Projects/target/lib ./x64/CubicSDR -c tmp
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
SoapySDR init..
API Version: v0.3.0-g603da6be
ABI Version: v0.3-0
Install root: /usr/local
Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/
Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/
Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/
Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/
Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/
Loading modules... done
Available factories...airspy, bladerf, hackrf, null, rfspace, rtl
Found device 0
backend = libusb
device = 0x02:0x02
driver = bladerf
instance = 0
serial = aeac0204f1b6cb5e5ee83a2da689e185
Make device 0
[INFO] bladerf_open_with_devinfo()
[INFO] bladerf_get_serial() = aeac0204f1b6cb5e5ee83a2da689e185
[INFO] setSampleRate(1, 1.000000 MHz), actual = 1.000000 MHz
[INFO] setSampleRate(0, 1.000000 MHz), actual = 1.000000 MHz
[INFO] bladerf_close()
SDR thread initializing..
Using device #0
SDR post-processing thread started..
Spectrum visual data thread started.
Spectrum visual data thread started.
[INFO] bladerf_open_with_devinfo()
FFT visual data thread started.
Audio Device #0 PulseAudio
Default Output? Yes
Default Input? Yes
Input channels: 2
Output channels: 2
Duplex channels: 2
Native formats:
16-bit signed integer.
32-bit signed integer.
32-bit float normalized between plus/minus 1.0.
Supported sample rates:
Available vertical sync SwapInterval functions:
glxSwapIntervalEXT: No
DRI2SwapInterval: No
glxSwapIntervalMESA: No
glxSwapIntervalSGI: No
No vertical sync swap interval functions available.
Loaded font 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' from '/home/pwarren/Projects/CubicSDR/build/x64/vera_sans_mono16.fnt', parsed 167 characters.
Loaded font 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' from '/home/pwarren/Projects/CubicSDR/build/x64/vera_sans_mono12.fnt', parsed 167 characters.
[INFO] bladerf_get_serial() = aeac0204f1b6cb5e5ee83a2da689e185
[INFO] setSampleRate(1, 1.000000 MHz), actual = 1.000000 MHz
[INFO] setSampleRate(0, 1.000000 MHz), actual = 1.000000 MHz
[INFO] setSampleRate(1, 2.400000 MHz), actual = 2.400000 MHz
[INFO @ lms.c:2226] Clamping frequency to 237500000Hz
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): setFrequency(CORR) unknown name
@pwarren Thanks; looks like I'll have to limit the PPM correction call to RTL-SDR only or add a try/catch around that statement; I didn't realize the BladeRF would throw a runtime error on that. I'll let you know when a fixed version is in.
@pwarren I've pushed an update to the soapysdr-support branch that should only call the PPM CORR frequency option on RTL-SDR devices -- that should prevent the BladeRF from throwing a runtime_error.
@cjcliffe Yep, that's done the trick! Now have CubicSDR running with the BladeRF as a source :)
My laptop is dropping samples if I set the input bandwidth much above 8MHz. I can't see a way to set the various gain settings of the thing, but it does work!
After the changes at I successfully ran with HackRF as a source.
Buuuuuut, I'm getting SIGBUS and SIGSEGV errors when I set the bandwidth above ~8MHz. Is that likely to be an issue here or an issue there?
@pwarren nice! I haven't had much chance to test it past 3.2Mhz yet but have a device en-route that will help with that.
Gain settings are next on the list; SoapySDR supplies a dynamic interface to the gain settings so I'm going to implement it such that it should work for current and future devices.
@bobobo1618 hah, good timing; two new devices confirmed working today :)
The 8Mhz barrier is probably a device-specific issue that I might need to handle; there's no limit checks on the manual bandwidth entry or SoapySDR supplied limit values so you can easily enter a value that may explode..
I'd be interested to know just how close you can edge it above 8Mhz before it dies though :)
I don't think it's a device limitation issue, the HackRF is more than capable of handling even 20MHz bandwidth (works in Gqrx and ShinySDR). Hell, I pushed osmocom_fft past 24MHz and it was still relatively stable.
I had it sitting right on top of 8MHz with CubicSDR and it maintained that for a few seconds before it segfaulted. I'll see if the SoapyOsmo guys have any clues because it looks like it may be on their end:
Process 24928 stopped
* thread #10: tid = 0x22e75b, 0x0000000107c4a83c`hackrf_source_c::work(int, std::__1::vector<void const*, std::__1::allocator<void const*> >&, std::__1::vector<void*, std::__1::allocator<void*> >&) + 476, stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x1126fe000)
frame #0: 0x0000000107c4a83c`hackrf_source_c::work(int, std::__1::vector<void const*, std::__1::allocator<void const*> >&, std::__1::vector<void*, std::__1::allocator<void*> >&) + 476`hackrf_source_c::work:
-> 0x107c4a83c <+476>: movq %rdi, (%r13)
0x107c4a840 <+480>: movzwl (%rsi), %edi
0x107c4a843 <+483>: movq 0x18(%r15), %rbx
0x107c4a847 <+487>: movq (%rbx,%rdi,8), %rdi
@bobobo1618 Hmm, yeah that looks like it's outside of CubicSDR; I have videos of @Toontje running it at ~8Mhz sample rate without issue on SDRPlay so I think you're right.
Have to try my hackrf in time ;-)
Den 26. sep. 2015 kl. 07.58 skrev Paul Warren
@cjcliffe Yep, that's done the trick! Now have CubicSDR running with the BladeRF as a source :)
My laptop is dropping samples if I set the input bandwidth much above 8MHz. I can't see a way to set the various gain settings of the thing, but it does work!
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.
Apparently while I was sleeping @jocover has already created a new standalone SoapyHackRF module!
Just tested and I'm getting this:
(lldb) target create "../CubicSDR/x64/CubicSDR"
Current executable set to '../CubicSDR/x64/CubicSDR' (x86_64).
(lldb) run
Process 27035 launched: '../CubicSDR/x64/CubicSDR' (x86_64)
Loading:: configuration file '/Users/lucas/Library/Application Support/CubicSDR/config.xml'
Loaded PPM for device 'HackRF HackRF One' at 0ppm
Loaded I/Q Swap for device 'HackRF HackRF One' as not swapped
Loaded Direct Sampling Mode for device 'HackRF HackRF One': off
Loaded offset for device 'HackRF HackRF One' at 0Hz
Loaded PPM for device 'Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000001' at 0ppm
Loaded I/Q Swap for device 'Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000001' as not swapped
Loaded Direct Sampling Mode for device 'Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000001': off
Loaded offset for device 'Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000001' at 0Hz
SoapySDR init..
API Version: v0.3.0-g9671ca26
ABI Version: v0.3-0
Install root: /usr/local
Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/
Loading modules... done
Available factories...hackrf, null
Found device 0
device = HackRF One
driver = hackrf
part_id = a000cb3c004e474d
serial = 000000000000000014d463dc2f3caee1
version = 2015.07.2
Make device 0
Buffer Size=3.750000MB
SDR thread initializing..
Using device #0
SDR post-processing thread started..
Spectrum visual data thread started.
Spectrum visual data thread started.
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: setFrequency(CORR) unknown name
Process 27035 stopped
* thread #9: tid = 0x234d52, 0x00007fff8639c286 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__pthread_kill + 10, stop reason = signal SIGABRT
frame #0: 0x00007fff8639c286 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__pthread_kill + 10
-> 0x7fff8639c286 <+10>: jae 0x7fff8639c290 ; <+20>
0x7fff8639c288 <+12>: movq %rax, %rdi
0x7fff8639c28b <+15>: jmp 0x7fff86397c53 ; cerror_nocancel
0x7fff8639c290 <+20>: retq
Ran with debug and I got this:
The backtrace seems to show CubicSDR passing in bad args at
@bobobo1618 you'll need the updated CubicSDR soapysdr-support branch -- I wasn't masking out the RTL-SDR CORR setting for non-RTL devices.
Okay, the new driver works after a git pull (should've thought of that)! Can't go above 7.8MHz though, I believe this is due to the default buffer length:
@pwarren give the latest commit to soapysdr-support a go when you can and let me know if you're still having issues above 8Mhz -- it handles the buffer a bit differently now to try and fill it completely to match the framerate to the sample rate; it may have still been pushing too many small buffers before.
After your patch to the HackRF driver and git pulling the latest commits, CubicSDR works at higher bandwidths but it shows a lot of weird 'buzzing' when getting it to demodulate. Also shows an insane amount of CPU utilization. Anything I can do to give you more useful info?
@bobobo1618 hmm, does the buzzing only occur at > 8mhz bandwidths?
Yep, it works fine at lower bandwidths (like the defaults).
@bobobo1618 May just be high CPU usage then; there's a bunch of work to do as I've never used it past 3.2M here myself -- test hardware is on it's way though.
One thing to reduce CPU right away if you haven't tried is to make sure you run cmake for everything involved like this:
build$ cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
without "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" it'll be building debug binaries which are significantly less optimized.
I'm already running release binaries.
I can give you profiles to figure out CPU usage if you can point me to a tool that makes them in a format that's useful to you.
@bobobo1618 I'd be grateful for some more information -- use whatever you're comfortable with; I typically use XCode for basic profiling but I've used valgrind as well.
If you just want to point out what you find (screenshots work too) instead of sending profile dumps I can work with that too.
Late for the show, but.
I tried 2 different boxes and same.
ulf@hack:~/src/CubicSDR/build$ cd x64/ ulf@hack:~/src/CubicSDR/build/x64$ ./CubicSDR Loading:: configuration file '/home/ulf/.CubicSDR/config.xml' Loaded PPM for device 'Generic RTL2832U OEM :: 00000001' at 0ppm SoapySDR init.. API Version: v0.3.0-g9671ca26 ABI Version: v0.3-0 Install root: /usr/local Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/ Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/ Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/ Loading modules... done Available factories...hackrf, null, rfspace, rtl Found device 0 driver = hackrf hackrf = 0 label = HackRF HackRF One Make device 0 Using HackRF One with firmware git-4e98bc6 Error making device: Failed to open HackRF device (-1000) HACKRF_ERROR_LIBUSB
SDR thread initializing.. Using device #0 Spectrum visual data thread started. Spectrum visual data thread started. SDR post-processing thread started.. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): Failed to open HackRF device (-1000) HACKRF_ERROR_LIBUSB Aborted
I keep on RTFM :-)
I got it working with latest git off:
Seems stable at 20mhz bandwith :-D
~/src/CubicSDR/build/x64$ ./CubicSDR Loading:: configuration file '/home/ulf/.CubicSDR/config.xml' Loaded PPM for device 'Generic RTL2832U OEM :: 00000001' at 0ppm SoapySDR init.. API Version: v0.3.0-g9671ca26 ABI Version: v0.3-0 Install root: /usr/local Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/ Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules/ Loading modules... done Available factories...hackrf, null, rtl Found device 0 device = HackRF One driver = hackrf part_id = a000cb3c005e4f54 serial = 0000000000000000457863c82f21441f version = 2015.07.2 Make device 0 buffer size=3.750000MB clock source=internal part id=a000cb3c005e4f54 serial=0000000000000000457863c82f21441f version=2015.07.2
@UbhaSecurity that's excellent; would love to see some more high bandwidth screenshots if you could post a few :)
Just updated my HackRF driver and the issues I was having appear to be mostly gone!
There's a lot of falloff at the ends though, this doesn't occur in Gqrx or other applications. Driver issue or Cubic issue you think?
Actually I just started it again and the falloff at the edges wasn't there:
But I wasn't able to set the bandwidth/sample rate above 16MHz (putting in 20MHz for example resulted in CubicSDR setting it to 16MHz anyway).
Oh and by the way, I got the bundled Mac app working (compiling, running). That may be because I have the Soapy drivers installed though. The bundle doesn't appear to have included them or anything.
And I started it again and the falloff is back...
I figured it out though.
Steps to reproduce:
My guess is that Gqrx is setting something on the HackRF (sample rate?) that CubicSDR isn't touching that leads to displaying this falloff.
Have another couple of high bandwidth screenshots though:
@bobobo1618 interesting; it's likely changing the default gain settings or something like that; I'll have the gain support in sometime this week; for now it should be switching on the AGC -- perhaps the SoapyHackRF isn't accepting that command? Either that or there's a bandwidth filter I'm not adjusting.
Thanks for the screen caps; looks like it's doing better than I had expected so far.
Thanks for your great work! Using it daily on Mac OS X, running very stable. Is there a chance to support Funcube dongle Pro+ in the future, maybe through something like gr-fcdproplus library?