cjdoris / Bokeh.jl

Interactive plotting made easy
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Downstream tests #13

Open bryevdv opened 2 years ago

bryevdv commented 2 years ago

Hi, @cjdoris first I just want to say that it was great to discover this. I have thought that Bokeh+Julia would make a great combination for many years. But I'm a casual Julia use at best, and something like this really needs to be undertaken by someone with more experience and a stronger point of view. So, thanks!

Having been pointed here, I just wanted to reach out and offer a few comments:

Lastly, I'd say that we would be delighted to mention and link this projects in the upcoming 3.0 release blog post, or tweet about them from the Bokeh twitter account, etc. Please let us know is that would be OK cc @tcmetzger @pavithraes

cjdoris commented 2 years ago

Hi @bryevdv, thanks so much for getting in touch!

Thanks for the heads up on v3. I had seen the branch on the repo but didn't know what the status there was. Is there an overview of the breaking changes somewhere?

I'll start a v3 branch myself soon hopefully and try to get it migrated to the dev copy of Bokeh v3 to see what issues come up. Hopefully it will just be a case of running the autogen scripts again, but there are bound to be other things needing updating - e.g. if there are changes in the way models are serialised or in the JS/HTML templates (?). Maybe as a baby step I'll do the upgrade from 2.4.2 to 2.4.3 first!

As the Julia package is largely auto-generated, you don't need to worry too much about downstream incompatibilities. Of course you might break something that the autogen relies on. I'll think about whether there are some tests you could run to detect this. But ultimately it's not a major issue as a fixed version of BokehJS is shipped with Bokeh.jl - upgrades happen with new versions, which are generated and tested by me.

Absolutely you can blog/tweet about this package! I don't have a Twitter presence (yet) but you can always link to the repo and/or my GitHub profile. Feel free to post Julia code snippets from the gallery to show off the interface.

Currently Bokeh.jl just outputs "static" JS. I'm going to get around to writing a server for communication between JS and Julia, but may need your assistance to find out how to do the JS end of things. I'll ping you when I get to it.
