cjfields / Bio-Tools-Primer3Redux

A reimplementation of BioPerl's Primer3-related code for primer3 v1 and v2
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PODs referring to deprecated data structure #14

Open JohnMCMa opened 13 years ago

JohnMCMa commented 13 years ago

The structure of Primer3Redux outputs have changed from a 2-tier (Run Creates Primer3Redux::Result, which contains primer/pair objects) to 3-tier structure (Run creates a Primer3Redux object, which contains Result objects, which further contains primer/pair objects).

However, the lead POD of Bio::Tools::Run::Primer3Redux has not been updated to indicate this. While the mistake at Lines 38 and 39 are easy to correct, the issue at Lines 56-59 was of a deeper level and I'm not really feeling like rewriting it.

cjfields commented 13 years ago

Noted; that is probably cruft left over from the original Primer3 perl code.

fschwach commented 13 years ago

I'm plannng on working on the docs a bit anyway and I'll check this issue.