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Filters for actors/enemies in battle not working #1

Open Espilonarge opened 5 years ago

Espilonarge commented 5 years ago

I've tried multiple combinations and ways to get filters to apply to actors/enemies in battle. If I use "createFilter nameID filterID 4" to apply the effect to all actors/enemies, it will instantly give a "length" error and if I try to target specific actors or enemies, it refuses to apply a filter (eg = "createFilter nameID filterID 4000 -1" and ""createFilter nameID filterID 3999" to apply the filter to an enemy does nothing).

I even tried "createFilter nameID 4000 screen" and that does nothing as well.

What am I doing wrong?

PaleoTA commented 8 months ago


To achieve that I changed the script at the line starting at 1453 to:

case 4: targets = SceneManager._scene._spriteset.battlerSprites(); break;