cjkrolak / ThermostatSupervisor

supervisor to detect and correct thermostat deviations
MIT License
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add black formatting github action #756

Closed cjkrolak closed 9 months ago

cjkrolak commented 10 months ago

automatic PEP8 formatting, could replace flake8 action.

https://github.com/psf/black https://github.com/marketplace/actions/run-black-formatter

cjkrolak commented 9 months ago

Flake8 defaults need to be overridden to be compatible with black: [flake8] max-line-length = 88 extend-ignore = E203, E704

Changes made to Azure script and setup.cfg to add these overrides. IDE also needs to be updated.

cjkrolak commented 9 months ago

changes made:

  1. black reformatter action added to repo. Action will trigger new pull requests for repo clean-up.
  2. flake8 runtime options updated to be compatible with black, runtime options stored in setup.cfg
  3. several black formatting changes in the repo.
  4. black badge added to readme.md