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Multiple or old arxiv IDs are apparently not recognized by SPNet #115

Open ribault opened 9 years ago

ribault commented 9 years ago

In my recent Google+ post I had the following tags:

spnetwork hep-th/9209042

spnetwork arXiv:0911.4296

spnetwork arXiv:1012.5721

spnetwork arXiv:1407.6008

The result is that a comment appeared on SPNet for the paper arXiv:0911.4296 but not for any of the three other papers. I have the impression that SPNet picks the first arXiv ID of the type arXiv:YYMM.NNNN, and ignores all subsequent IDs as well as IDs of the type hep-th/YYMMNNN.

It would be great is this could be corrected. I should just have to write

spnetwork hep-th/9209042 arXiv:0911.4296 arXiv:1012.5721 arXiv:1407.6008

and get comments on all four articles on SPNet.