cjlin1 / libsvm

LIBSVM -- A Library for Support Vector Machines
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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libsvm produces different results when compiled with AVX #220

Closed pr0m1th3as closed 3 weeks ago

pr0m1th3as commented 4 weeks ago

We are using the libsvm library in the statistics package for GNU Octave. Recently we observed that when compiled with AVX both on x86_64 and aarch64 (Rasberry Pi 4) computers it produces different results compared to when AVX is not available. The version of libsvm that we use is 3.25, which has been available since a few releases back, but we only observed this recently when we tried to use the library as the back end for implementing the ClassificationSVM class. Details on this issue's discussion can be found on Octave's discourse post here. The differences we get are not big but they are still there and we consider that one way that this might resolved is to introduce more numerically robust algorithms into libsvm so that compiling with or without AVX do not produce different output.

Below is the test in Octave and its complement written in Python for comparing the output.

Load the Fisher Iris dataset

iris = datasets.load_iris() x = iris.data[:, 2:4] # Use petal length and width y = iris.target

Filter to include only non-'setosa' species

non_setosa_indices = np.where(y != 0)[0] # Remove 'setosa' (label 0) x_non_setosa = x[non_setosa_indices] y_non_setosa = y[non_setosa_indices]

Convert labels to 1-based index as LIBSVM expects

Re-encode labels to be binary (1 and 2)

label_encoder = LabelEncoder() y_non_setosa_encoded = label_encoder.fit_transform(y_non_setosa) + 1 # Encode and shift labels to start from 1

Fit SVM model using RBF kernel

prob = svm_problem(y_non_setosa_encoded.tolist(), x_non_setosa.tolist()) param = svm_parameter('-t 2 -b 0') # RBF kernel, no probability estimates model = svm_train(prob, param)

Prepare test data (min, mean, max of x_non_setosa)

xc = np.array([np.min(x_non_setosa, axis=0), np.mean(x_non_setosa, axis=0), np.max(x_non_setosa, axis=0)])

Predict labels and scores

labels, _, scores = svm_predict([0] * len(xc), xc.tolist(), model, '-b 0')

Expected values for comparison (binary case)

expected_labels = [1, 2, 2] expected_scores = [0.993493, -0.080445, -0.937146]

Output the results

print("Predicted Labels:", labels) print("Scores (column 1):", [s[0] for s in scores])

Output the expected values for reference

print("Expected Labels: ", expected_labels) print("Expected Scores: ", expected_scores)

Python output

Accuracy = 0% (0/3) (classification) Predicted Labels: [1.0, 2.0, 2.0] Scores (column 1): [0.9934926709287617, -0.0804451878209585, -0.9371460818233268] Expected Labels: [1, 2, 2] Expected Scores: [0.993493, -0.080445, -0.937146]

Although I've adapted the MATLAB wrappers for the libsvn library to work with Octave's native `oct` C++ interface, I am not familiar with the inner working of the library itself, so I am able to dig into `libsvm` core code to figure this out. Please, have a look on this issue so that we can ensure that both our statistics ClassificationSVM and the `libsvm` library provides consistent results across all platforms. I am at your disposal for any further questions and/or testing.
dasergatskov commented 4 weeks ago

Here is a self-contained example using only libsvm command-line tools from libsvm-3.33. The data file: fisheriris_test2.dat.gz Running command: ./svm-train -t 2 -b 0 fisheriris_test2.dat The output model when libsvm is compiled with (CFLAGS = -Wall -Wconversion -O0 -msse -march=core2 -fPIC): fisheriris_test2.dat.model.0.gz (CFLAGS = -Wall -Wconversion -O3 -mavx -mavx2 -march=native -fPIC): fisheriris_test2.dat.model.gz

The test done on Ryzen 3950X CPU, gcc version 11.4.1 20231218 (Red Hat 11.4.1-3) (GCC)

Sincerely, Dmitri.

cjlin1 commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks. We will investigate this though this may take some time

cjlin1 commented 3 weeks ago

The results may be unavoidable as the two compiler options lead to different orders of floating-point operations. I impose a smaller stopping tolerance and results become closer (see the values of rho and nu)

$ ./libsvm-3.33-option1/svm-train -t 2 -b 0 fisheriris_test2.dat optimization finished, #iter = 25 nu = 0.246475 obj = -19.080660, rho = 0.119117 nSV = 27, nBSV = 23 Total nSV = 27 $ ./libsvm-3.33-option2/svm-train -t 2 -b 0 fisheriris_test2.dat optimization finished, #iter = 22 nu = 0.246483 obj = -19.080660, rho = 0.118962 nSV = 27, nBSV = 23 Total nSV = 27

$ ./libsvm-3.33-option1/svm-train -t 2 -b 0 -e 0.00001 fisheriris_test2.dat optimization finished, #iter = 30 nu = 0.246471 obj = -19.080660, rho = 0.119060 nSV = 27, nBSV = 23 Total nSV = 27 $ ./libsvm-3.33-option2/svm-train -t 2 -b 0 -e 0.00001 fisheriris_test2.dat optimization finished, #iter = 28 nu = 0.246471 obj = -19.080660, rho = 0.119060 nSV = 27, nBSV = 23 Total nSV = 27

dasergatskov commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks! This is helpful.

pr0m1th3as commented 3 weeks ago

Very helpful, indeed!